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Well it's 4 more than an hour ago ! at this rate we will all be on it by ? :w00t:
:badger: Ok- The horse is still dead ,can somone else flail on this for awhile my arms are tired - map is up 11 total!
We picked up an additional 21 pins in the last 24 hours! :biggrin: now all we need is 800 more!

Yeah, it was UConn--I was faculty, not a student--spent 3 very nice years there, and loved living in New England, but am very happy with where we are now.
I had to undo mine and redo it, don't know *** happened there. But now I'm the only B&B member on Alberta territory. Come on, join me in God's country. Not that I'm religious or anything, except perhaps about shaving. Still, sunshine, mountains, clean air. Did you catch that Ontario? CLEAN AIR!


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