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3rd Time with a Straight

Today was my 3rd time with my Straight Razor.

I had 3days of growth, nothing very heavy but enough to make it hard to use the straight.

I should have known better then to attempt it. After 3 strokes, there was no way, so I used the DE safety for the first pass to reduce most of the growth.

I then used the Straight. I had an OK time with it on my side burns and cheeks, but no way was I comfortable attempting my lip, chin and neck. So I called it a day for the Straight and used the safety to finish up.

Lesson Learned: For me do not attempt to use the straight with a 3 day growth, and start shaving with the straight either every day or every other day. Hopefully this will make it better.

Would appreciate any advice. Am I on the right track?


Nose...still two ears...yup! Sounds like you are on the right track to me! Persistence, good attitude, no rushing the shave or the learning, and you are set. It's figuring out stuff like you've done that makes the whole experience all your own. Wait till you start honing, if you decide to go that way.
The first few months can be pretty scary but Jon is right; after you get the hang of it you'll be able to shave anytime with any of your razors.

My advice is to:

a) watch shaving videos and read about technique
b) attempt to shave but don't worry about bailing if you get nervous or start getting nicks
b1) finish shave with favorite "non-straight" method
c) repeat. The point here is that, after attempting, you will probably understand better what is going on in your study media.

It's no fun (for you or anyone else in the house) if you bleed while shaving. If you are using more than witch hazel to close your post-shave wounds you are probably using too much pressure or your angle(s) are wrong.

If you are persistent you will get it. There are thousands on this site alone that can attest to that. I'm no rocket surgeon and I figured it out.
Just keep trying and make sure your razor is sharp! A 3 days growth shouldn't be a problem for a sharp razor!
practise makes perfect
Today was my 4th shave with my Straight.

Today went much better.

Probably due to several factors:

1. More confidenece.
2. Stroped better.
3. Used my Peraso pre-shave (for sensitive skin) as both a pres-shave and I whipped up a scuttle for use as a shave cream, it was much thinner and better for me than a traditional puck of soap.
4. Took my time.
I made a bit more progress this time, did my sideburns, cheeks, part of my upper lip, part of my lower lip.

Finished off with the DE Safety.

I plan to keep at it, and will use it every day.

Thanks to all for the great advice,

Glad your fourth shave went well. Don't worry at all about finishing off with a DE. Cuts aren't exactly a badge of honor!

One bit of advice I'll add to what you've already received when your beard is longer: don't try to go from three days growth to BBS in one pass. Use the first pass for general hair removal and if you miss spots don't sweat it, subsequent passes will take care of them.

When I first started shaving with a straight (I usually shave every other day) I'd try to remove all the hair on the first pass. Now, on the first pass I make sure my prep is good and pay attention to grip, pressure and blade angle and let the blade do its work. I end up with a much closer shave when I've finished however many passes I'm going to do and have a lot less irritation in the process.
Glad your fourth shave went well. Don't worry at all about finishing off with a DE. Cuts aren't exactly a badge of honor!

One bit of advice I'll add to what you've already received when your beard is longer: don't try to go from three days growth to BBS in one pass. Use the first pass for general hair removal and if you miss spots don't sweat it, subsequent passes will take care of them.

When I first started shaving with a straight (I usually shave every other day) I'd try to remove all the hair on the first pass. Now, on the first pass I make sure my prep is good and pay attention to grip, pressure and blade angle and let the blade do its work. I end up with a much closer shave when I've finished however many passes I'm going to do and have a lot less irritation in the process.

Thanks Weaselrippedmyfleah. Right now I can't even imagine trying to do an initial first pass with my Straight Razor (to do as you said an initial reduction) with a 3 day growth. I really have to use my Straight either after 1 day or 2 days of growth the longest, otherwise it's just too difficult for me.


I am two weeks in with straight razor shaving and shaved this morning with 3 days growth. It went well and probably one of my best shaves. Important thing is to not expect too much from first pass, just think of it as mowing down tall grass a little at a time. Today was 3 WTG and 1 XTG and result is presentable shave. Haven't tried for BBS as I'm not comfortable enough to try ATG pass yet
I been using straight now for 4 months. Used shavette for 6 years then de for 1 year. Its getting better every time you do it. I almost gave it up a couple times. I rolled the edge on my first straights. Bought 1k norton 4/8 norton and naniwa 12k. Then paddle strop(easier to not roll the edge) For a short time I wasnt stropping, just shaving off the 12k. Anyway keep at it. It will come. Tell yourself that no matter what you will not cut yourself. Even if it sacrifices the shave. I had a rough time with my beard under the neck. It grows sideways flat almost parallel to the skin. Sharpen that straight well and then do a couple n then s then ne to sw passes. The beauty of the straight over de andshavettes is I can go over the same area 5-6 times and not have the irritation I had with the shavette or the de. Just started using crox and .5 micron diamond paste. It helps the sharpness alot. I also bought about 20(whos counting anyway) straights on ebay to practice honing. A couple were throwaways, but the others worked out well. One day I wanted to try the shavette to see compare the shaves. Never again. Too irritating and too many weepers. The straight is the only way for me now, Im hooked! After a good bbs shave( not every one yet) your skin feels like velvet, Ive never gotten that with a de, and the shave lasts longer. The big question for you is how bad do you want it? Im wet shaving for 7 years and Im still a newbie but I am very satisfied with my progress. Good luck and many thanks to all for your posts. They really helped me out during some hard times.
Thanks to everyone for the great advice and the responses ^.

Today was my 6th shave with the Straight.

Its getting better and easier.

Now I can comfortably and confidently do my sides, cheeks, upper lip, lower lip, upper chin, top part of my neck.

I still have problems with my chin, so I go very carefully here and still use my DE safety to clean it up.

Im getting better at Stroping.

Quick question, is the Hanging Hair test that accurate? The reason I ask, is because after Stroping my razor, sometimes it doesn't cut a hanging hair, but shaves really really nice.


The true way to test a razor is to shave with it. One tip that was the best for me was to set the bevel at 1k hone, then dull the edge on the bottom of a glass then set with 4 k. Then finish the blade. i have been getting my best honed razors that way. As usual YMMV. It works for me though. I have been doing the HHT at times. Youtube has many honing videos to see, that helps alot. Dont be afraid to use a layer or two of tape
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