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3 Razor Method

First off if this has been covered, my apologies.

I just stumbled upon this article and I have been coincidently using this technique with great success.

If anyone else has tried this please comment.

And yes I know you can achieve the same thing with an adjustable, but since I have about 5 DE razors and didn't want to spend more on adjustable I thought I would try this.


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I have my own variation of this. I have been shaving with this method for over five years and it works very well for me.
I load a fresh blade into my razor and shave a few times until I feel the blade mellowing. At this point I change the baseplate ( or dial up my Slim) to gain more closeness. As I have a Feather head and all three baseplates from Ikon I can do this repeatedly.
The whole point of doing this is that I don't have to use any pressure whatsoever as the blade mellows without losing closeness in the shave. I get at least 10 shaves out of any blade I use. I shave everyday with 2+ passes and that gives me a BBS everytime. And as an extra feature I get to enjoy the whole life of every blade.
Enjoy your shaves!
Great technique. My only complaint is that I like to dry the razor and flip the blade after every use. Drying and flipping thee razors is a pain. That said, I do the three razor shave with an adjustable.
Forgive me, but I have just about zero interest in anything Bruce Everiss has to say about shaving.

If this works for you, have fun and enjoy it. :001_smile
Forgive me, but I have just about zero interest in anything Bruce Everiss has to say about shaving.

If this works for you, have fun and enjoy it. :001_smile

As a newbie, please forgive my lack of knowledge but why the lack of interest in this Bruce Everiss? I have never heard of the guy or this technique up until now (I'm still very new) but it seemed like a decent idea? Just looking to learn as much as I can!

Thanks to the OP for a informational thread either way. Looking forward to experience my own findings!
Well, that's one way to do it. I prefer just using one razor at a time, but whatever floats your boat. I think one of our members here used to use a different brush for each pass.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I like it.
I usually follow it up with the three spoon method for eating cereal, and then the 3 car method for going to work.
Takes a little planning but it's fun.
My wife has a similar process - the three dress method before going out.
I like it.
I usually follow it up with the three spoon method for eating cereal, and then the 3 car method for going to work.
Takes a little planning but it's fun.
My wife has a similar process - the three dress method before going out.
This made me chuckle, thanks. I clean my razors after each use, this method is not for me. I have, and most of the time, do, change the settings on my slim between the XTG and ATG passes.
I guess we all have different tastes, ideas, likes and dislikes, goals etc. For me, there is shaving as a necessity and then there is making it enjoyable/sort of a hobby. But, at least in my opinion, there comes a point where it borders obsession and crosses the line. I, personally, enjoy "grooming." Which for the most part involves showering, shaving and aftershaving face/body treatment. But once it becomes a chore I start to slack off. So with my enjoyment and the "hobby" part has to come ease and time limits/saving.

I can't see the 3 razor thing. I mean, at least for me, it then makes shaving a project.
As a newbie, please forgive my lack of knowledge but why the lack of interest in this Bruce Everiss? I have never heard of the guy or this technique up until now (I'm still very new) but it seemed like a decent idea? Just looking to learn as much as I can!

No problem, mate. It's just that the guy's obnoxious antics have led to him having been shown the door from not just this, but just about every shaving related forum this side of the Atlantic.

My personal opinion about whether Bruce's screeds deserve oxygen is separate from the rule about linking to blogs, sites, etc. that duplicate B&B's core content. As I understand, that principle applies to all sites in that category without regard to the degree of foul odor emanating from them. :wink:


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I know a well regarded member on here, who uses 2 razors regularly. I'm not one to dismiss it, as I've never tried it.

I just prefer to use 1 razor, 1 brush, 1 blade, from start to finish.

When I use my Slim adjusatable, I usually set it on 5 and do all three passes, but have been known to do a 7-5-3 or 5-5-4 etc. that's about the extent to me using different razors for a single shave.
Actually, sometimes I do like to use more than one brush in a shave. I call it the Three Brush Method.

I suppose you could say this was the original Three Razor Method;

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