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2025 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Battlestar Galactica Year


Born to häckla
Made a logo for us. What do you think?

Gruyere 2025 Logo4.png


Is it swell time?
Does a brush I’ll be getting next year, but already asked for count? Asking for a me
Count as? Similar to being on a waiting list I would say. So getting on the waiting list puts you out (if in GRUYERE). Exercising your waiting list spot or paying during GRUYERE is allowed if joining the list was prior to the start.

Variation on rule 7 bullet one.

One caution though: I would postulate that asking for gear now and get them during restraint on monthly basis is not showing restraint. It is being extremely clever though.

I am in. I think I have high hopes for finally succeeding the coming year as my will power is strong.

1) @Guido75 - exception: a shave soap
2) @KQY61 - Commander Adama - no exceptions
3) @Rico Suave - exception: a razor
5) @hopper_64 - exception: Razor
6) @Bsamps - No Exceptions
7) @ChriWilson - exceptions: Kamisori Razor, Stirling’s Glacial Unscented splash
8) @cryhavoc - exception: Brush
9) @awk_m4 - exception: Henson v3
10) @TOVT - no exceptions
11) @Berwick12 - "Bruce" synthetic brush
12) @JWCowboy - no exceptions
13) @Lurking_Grue - exception: one SV aftershave (70th or Opuntia) and/or one Captain's Choice Shave Bowl/Scuttle
14) @Kaldane - no exceptions
15) @reformedshavr - no exceptions
16) @ShavingPanda - exception tbd (might be a brush knot)
17) @JAHE - exception tbd
18) @blethenstrom - exception: shave soap making supply (oil/fat/fragrance)
19) @Balin - exception Brush
20) @dave1269 - exception: vintage straight razor made by coveted Spanish or Swedish maker.
21) @Shaun asleep - don't need no exceptions
22) @spookmeister
23) @JKaboom - an advised gift from family
24) @Calyshaver - no exceptions
25) @WThomas0814 - no exceptions
26) @deaffifianado - exception razor
I'm in. During the 2024 GRUYERE (still in), I've barely made a dent in my stash of shaving consumables.

1) @Guido75 - exception: a shave soap
2) @KQY61 - Commander Adama - no exceptions
3) @Rico Suave - exception: a razor
5) @hopper_64 - exception: Razor
6) @Bsamps - No Exceptions
7) @ChriWilson - exceptions: Kamisori Razor, Stirling’s Glacial Unscented splash
8) @cryhavoc - exception: Brush
9) @awk_m4 - exception: Henson v3
10) @TOVT - no exceptions
11) @Berwick12 - "Bruce" synthetic brush
12) @JWCowboy - no exceptions
13) @Lurking_Grue - exception: one SV aftershave (70th or Opuntia) and/or one Captain's Choice Shave Bowl/Scuttle
14) @Kaldane - no exceptions
15) @reformedshavr - no exceptions
16) @ShavingPanda - exception tbd (might be a brush knot)
17) @JAHE - exception tbd
18) @blethenstrom - exception: shave soap making supply (oil/fat/fragrance)
19) @Balin - exception Brush
20) @dave1269 - exception: vintage straight razor made by coveted Spanish or Swedish maker.
21) @Shaun asleep - don't need no exceptions
22) @spookmeister
23) @JKaboom - an advised gift from family
24) @Calyshaver - no exceptions
25) @WThomas0814 - no exceptions
26) @deaffifianado - exception razor
27) @InkStainedWretch - no exceptions
@Guido75, is the restock period in January really just that - getting stuff you'll think you'll run out of during the following year? it's not, for example, an exhibitionist free-for-all window of time to get another soap I don't need, right?

Seems like that goes against the spirit of the event. I guess I could set that soap as my exception if I really felt I needed it. Which I don't. :)


Is it swell time?
@Guido75, is the restock period in January really just that - getting stuff you'll think you'll run out of during the following year? it's not, for example, an exhibitionist free-for-all window of time to get another soap I don't need, right?

Seems like that goes against the spirit of the event. I guess I could set that soap as my exception if I really felt I needed it. Which I don't. :)
As far as I know the restockknow can be used to get what you want. You have been in restraint for a full year, giving consideration to what you want and potentially need. Treewhaling is another level of course (and I agree with you there on going against the idea of the restraint), but you are allowed to (finally) get that razor you have been thinking about all year.

Restock is to acquire all the shaving items you have been carefully considering and deciding upon for the entire previous year of restraint.

It isn't just for what you will be running out of for the next full year. And, it isn't for buying everything Buy It Now on eBay's shaving category. ;)

I just took the time to read the rules again. The following statement totally applies to me:

“We are all here to save money, to stop filling every nook and cranny of our humble abode with shaving related items.”

I have plenty of inventory and I’m determined to make another run at this.

In addition to wanting to save money while demonstrating restraint, you’re all a great group of guys that I enjoy hanging out with!

Best wishes,

Restock is to acquire all the shaving items you have been carefully considering and deciding upon for the entire previous year of restraint.

Excellent. Thank you! You nailed it, I've refined my list of wants about 1000 times at this point, lol. It's small but mighty.

It isn't just for what you will be running out of for the next full year. And, it isn't for buying everything Buy It Now on eBay's shaving category. ;)


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