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2025 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Battlestar Galactica Year

Is this thread for people who have buying problems? i'm just curious. I went a while just using an electric Brio beard shaver / trimmer. I went through a spell of depression and got away from DE shaving for a while and was lucky sometimes to use the electric shaver once a week or even once every two weeks. i've snapped out of it and now back to daily shaving and feel so much better about myself. Being able to buy and try new scents, soaps, pre-shave stuff, blades, razors etc.. seem to keep me very interested.

Please nobody take my post wrong, i'm just curious if most people do this are the same people that have 30 razors, 30-40 tubs of soaps, etc, maybe lean n the side of compulsive buying or something? i'm just curious, I know I could not do it myself as I don't have that kind of willpower and don't have that much gear to go a whole year without buying shaving items.
My den is full of impulse purchases, many that I later regretted. At present, I jokingly estimate I have at least 100 years of shave soap and have no need to begin my second century collection. Each October, when we have Free Ship Tuesday in Canada, I sell stuff at a large loss or PIF to a newcomer. Likely many, I started with the monthly GRUME restraints as ”baby steps” to change my mindset about needs vs. wants. While I had a couple of lapses in 2024, the success I enjoyed gave me the confidence to forge ahead and sign up for the year long prohibition.
I’m hoping to get through my 5 remaining pucks of Williams this year. Scraps of bath soap will be a welcome upgrade compared to Williams. 😄

Thanks to all of you for supporting me. These sabbaticals have definitely helped me and I’m sure they’ve helped so many of us get our dens under control.

By the way, that Karve Overlander was definitely worth the $40 I gave my buddy for it. 👍
Here is an slightly amusing true story.

This morning I saw a lambda athena available on the bst, figured I'd use my exemption. The immediate problem was that I did not have a Paypal account. So I immediately set one up and linked a credit card with plenty of balance. I then tried to send the funds to make the purchase. No go, PP said there was a problem. No specifics, just a suggestion to call the the bank that issued the card.

I did, the bank said there was no problem on their end, in fact they did not even see an attempt use the card from the PP end. Next I called PP. The friendly customer support person could see the failed attempts. His guess was that the problem was that I had no bank account linked to the new PP account. I started to link a bank account but totally balked at the requirement to provide the account password. Not in this life, no sir.

So I gave up. I let the seller know that (sadly) I had to withdraw my offer. Next I deleted my brand new and quite useless PP account. A bit later I checked my credit card account I saw a pending $1.95 charge from PP. Then the light bulb went of. I suspect that charge was a test of the credit card, and that establishing a new PP account with a linked credit card simply takes a few hours, maybe a day or two.

Moral of the story? Dunno. I wasted my time, and the seller's. I suppose I could open yet another PP account, so to be ready for next time. But the whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. Uggh.


Is it swell time?
I see we didn’t add you because I thought we still had a question open (but that was my mistake to assume that). It is easily remedied however!

1) @Guido75 - exception: a shave soap
2) @KQY61 - Commander Adama - no exceptions
3) @Rico Suave - exception: a razor
5) @hopper_64 - exception: Razor
6) @Bsamps - No Exceptions
7) @ChriWilson - exception: Kamisori Razor
8) @cryhavoc - exception: Brush
9) @awk_m4 - exception: Henson v3
10) @TOVT - exception TBD
11) @Berwick12 - that “one” vintage aftershave
12) @JWCowboy - no exceptions
13) @Lurking_Grue - exception: one shave bowl/scuttle
14) @Kaldane - no exceptions
15) @reformedshavr - no exceptions
16) @ShavingPanda - MdC Magellan
17) @JAHE - exception: Stando stand, exception executed.
18) @blethenstrom - exception: shave soap making supply (oil/fat/fragrance)
19) @Balin - exception Brush
20) @dave1269 - exception: one MdC shaving soap
21) @Shaun asleep - don't need no exceptions
22) @spookmeister - no exceptions
23) @JKaboom - an advised gift from family
24) @Calyshaver - no exceptions
25) @WThomas0814 - no exceptions
26) @deafficianado - exception razor
27) @InkStainedWretch - no exceptions
28) @Cafebarian - no exceptions
29) @JeffJ - no exceptions
30) @Goblin - exception: a razor
31) @Zynn - exception: A Silvertip brush.
32) @Trollky - no exception
33) @sylbub - exception: a pre-shave
34) @midwestshaver71 -exception: razor
35) @BradWorld - no exceptions
36) @flask28 - no exceptions
37) @Jim99 - no exceptions
38) @GaryTha no exceptions
39) @bk200006 - exception: a shave soap
40) @keare smith - no exceptions
41) @mgweatherly - no exceptions
42) @Messygoon - exception: Winston Churchill’s safety razor should it come to auction
43) @Lifes a Peach - no exceptions
44) @Onimaho - no exceptions
45) @DesertIguana - exception: brush
46) @Ribitski23 - exception: TI Stando Razor
47) @iver- no exceptions
48) @Doc4 - no exceptions BY YOUR COMMAND!
49) @byDoms - no exceptions
50) @silverlifter - no exceptions
52) @Phil Harmonica - no exceptions
53) @den fly - no exceptions
54) @Sotiris_A - no exceptions
55) @Ahiram - no exceptions
56) @Galaktus - no exceptions
57) @meanpr - no exceptions
58) @zoidberg - exception brush
59) @Jayson74 - no exception
60) @Pepin - vintage razor
61) @The Blackadder - no exception
62) @Jim in NZ - no exception
63) @bjm - no exception
64) @netcaretaker - no exceptions
65) @tropic - exception: razor


Ditto, ditto
Here is an slightly amusing true story.

This morning I saw a lambda athena available on the bst, figured I'd use my exemption. The immediate problem was that I did not have a Paypal account. So I immediately set one up and linked a credit card with plenty of balance. I then tried to send the funds to make the purchase. No go, PP said there was a problem. No specifics, just a suggestion to call the the bank that issued the card.

I did, the bank said there was no problem on their end, in fact they did not even see an attempt use the card from the PP end. Next I called PP. The friendly customer support person could see the failed attempts. His guess was that the problem was that I had no bank account linked to the new PP account. I started to link a bank account but totally balked at the requirement to provide the account password. Not in this life, no sir.

So I gave up. I let the seller know that (sadly) I had to withdraw my offer. Next I deleted my brand new and quite useless PP account. A bit later I checked my credit card account I saw a pending $1.95 charge from PP. Then the light bulb went of. I suspect that charge was a test of the credit card, and that establishing a new PP account with a linked credit card simply takes a few hours, maybe a day or two.

Moral of the story? Dunno. I wasted my time, and the seller's. I suppose I could open yet another PP account, so to be ready for next time. But the whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. Uggh.
Athenas pop up on BST rather regularly. Mine will in the not-too-distant future, only because I learned through much too much experimentation that my heart belongs to featherweight titanium razors. I wonder what the reason for others moving on is?
I tried a couple monthly GRUME threads in 2023 and failed.
This is different for me, this year, with the 12-month sabbatical. So far, I'm enjoying not buying stuff!
My plans for my "TBD" exemption possibilities seem less interesting now.

Got a glorious, smooth shave today!

(I'm posting on this thread in Cylon voice)



Is it swell time?
I wonder what the reason for others moving on is?
So far I have seen two reasons. One is the same as you: liking different materials. So the Bronze gets the boot because the Stainless or Titanium was acquired. Or two: being incompatible with the razor or finding the effectiveness/efficiency to be less than expected or on par with other razors.

My gawd are you serious? I have 3 and feel lke i've been spending too much money. of course i'm poor so there's that.
I am down to 70 or so, I buy on sale the things that work for me, but I have way to much soap….. My wife, who is very cool about it says, I don’t drink or smoke so some money on soap is not that bad of a hobby. I had more but I ended up using some of the soap that did not work for me as “pre-shave soap” which has worked out great.

I will be dead before I use it all lol

that is why I am doing this for the year
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. My wife, who is very cool about it says, I don’t drink or smoke so some money on soap is not that bad of a hobby.
My wife has much the same attitude. She once pointed out to me that she buys wine by the case, and a case of wine (or even a bottle) costs more than a tub of soap and does not last as long. Still, enough is sometimes enough. The desire to cut back battles YOLO, so here we are.


Is it swell time?
My wife, who is very cool about it says, I don’t drink or smoke so some money on soap is not that bad of a hobby.
My lady said the exact same thing, especially when my kids roll their eyes when something new arrives or when I am reading up on B&B.

And the whole family is supportive of the “challenge” we are in. In a weird way I think I am showing my kids that restraint is good sometimes :whistling:. Can’t blame them with 40ish years of blades and 7ish years of soap.
Today is the last day for the Colonists to re-supply. Is everyone ready?!

I think I might go to eBay and shop....

...for enough Tek TM-500 modules to recreate the bridge of the Galactica. That's not on the restraint list. ;)

Dunno about finding any of the Tek graphics stuff, much less ones that still work. The TM-500 stuff still works, though. At the very least I'll take inventory of what I have here which I am still using.

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