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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver



This being the first thing that comes to mind....

What were you brewing up for Halloween?

Do I need the :p


Yes! The Year Of The Black Vegetable!

Er, maybe not... :p

Yes, Series One where they were still figuring out just what personality Blackadder would have. Started as a dummy and a coward but morphed into almost what he was in series two. And, six ways from Sunday in between.

The first episode was great with all the Shakespeare going on. Where we get King Richard the Fourth prior to Henry Tudor.

I just loved the part where his Dad the King made him Archbishop of Canterbury.

It might make for a good theme next year. I have the box set here on DVD which has all the specials as well. I'm sure it's all streaming from someone these days so we all can have it to watch.

Just remember: No shaving while laughing! ;)

Fresh Horses!

I pulled out an old Trac II razor and some Gillette foamy today because I was in a rush. Honestly, it blows my mind how expensive more modern carts have gotten and they don’t shave me any closer than that old Trac II. But I guess if cartridges had stayed cheap I wouldn’t have ever tried DE razors.


System Generated
I pulled out an old Trac II razor and some Gillette foamy today because I was in a rush. Honestly, it blows my mind how expensive more modern carts have gotten and they don’t shave me any closer than that old Trac II. But I guess if cartridges had stayed cheap I wouldn’t have ever tried DE razors.
I use my Gillette Guard on a semi regular basis. It gives amazing shaves and the cartridges are still fairly cheap, shipped from India, via eBay, in bulk.


Is it swell time?
Another month draws to an end bringing us the into the final stretches of this amazing journey. For those wanting to join events to get their minds occupied I like to point out that no open comb November will be loads of fun!

Hold strong guys you are doing fantastic and I am super proud of you all!


Still in

Last night’s shave
1960’s Gillette Super Speed
Gillette Nacet (3)
Tabac non-tallow
Omega 48

Last night’s shave
This was a medium speed single pass shave WTG. I really enjoy the smell of Tabac which was mug/face lathered. I think I might get rid of the remainder of my Gillette Nacet blades. Though they are sharp, I don’t find they are very smooth even on the third shave.
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