#53 - I am still in - kind of tempted to make a purchase, but a cooler head prevailed. I can make it through the rest of the year. I have such a huge collection of brushes, soaps, creams, shavers, blades, A/S and colognes that I could do fine if I never bought another piece of shaving gear (but don't worry, I won't). I have been really busy at work but I am retiring in a month, then will have more time to post. I am going to take a trip through SE Asia for about 6 weeks beginning around Halloween, so I will not even be home to make impose purchases on line or at Pasteur's. The only item that I really want to buy is a knot for an old brush handle I bought about 10 years ago, so I can do a restore, but I can wait until January for that. I have to measure the old know size with my calipers (never used this kind of tool before) and use my dremel to remove what is left of the old knot (never used this kind of tool before either). So we are over 3/4 of the way through the year. Hang in there fellas!!!