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Yuma/Replica WWII Luftwaffe razor

Pros: Very low price point
Cons: Hard to remove blades, too aggressive for new comers
I got the Yuma Safety Razor because of its low cost to entry. Shelling out $7.80 for one razor, 30 blades and S/H is the dream of just about any DE shaver, correct? I also got the Weishi 2003m at the same time so I originally planned to use this as a travel DE. However after my first shave with it, I am not impressed and realize that I got what I paid for.

First off, for a new shaver like myself, it is a hard razor to adjust and change blades. Compared to butterfly opens like the Weishi 2003m or Microtouch One, the razor is a snap together and twist. Getting a new blade is somewhat easy but aligning it or getting it out is the issue. To get the blade out, you have to pull hard, almost hard enough that you fear snapping the used blade. After replacing the blade, you have to make sure the blade is balanced equally so that the blade doesn't stick out on one side, more than the other.

Second off, for a new shaver, it gives a very aggressive cut, mainly because of how much the blade sticks out on the side. Because the top of the razor has a smaller surface area than most butterfly opens, it does give more room for possible nics and cuts from the blade. On the first pass, I wound up with nics and cuts much more than with the Weishi. After that pass, I actually switched razors.

My suggestion is for new DE shavers, it is a good idea to skip this razor, even for the low price. If you are an experienced DE shaver and need an aggressive travel razor, this is a good idea. If you are an experienced DE shaver looking for a challenge, this might work for you too.
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The razor came as part of this lot:


Today I tried out the razor and brush together. The blade was a Gillette swede. Being still "in training" I only went WTG (two passes) with this razor.

Review of the brush here: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=69715

More pics of the razor itself:




My impressions:

I paid all in all D.Kr. 220 (approx. $ 40) for the full set, not bad at all

The plating is wery rough and the razor it-self could certainly have used a good cleaning up prior to plating, The razor looks somewhat unfinished

User Friendly
Due to problems with blade allignment not wery high

With a better finish the grip, which resembles the Merkur 1904, would have been a beauty. On the practical side it is nice and secure to hold

Ease of Blade Replacement
It's a three-piece. I happen to like that design. My only gripe, and it is quite a big one, is that you will have to fumble quite a lot with the blade to get a proper blade allignment, multiplying the risk of cutting yourself a great deal - this i the most disappealing aspect of this razor

Compared to the two other DE's I have tried (a Merkur HD and a 60's british alu handeled Gillette Tech) this is a wery agressive razor, I have never before had such a close shave (but far from BBS) by only going WTG

Not as good as my HD, but better than my Tech. The razor is almost as light as my alu handeled tech - the handle being heavier and the head being the same weight

If I have had the opportunity to examine this razor before buying it I probably would have passed it. But now that I have it I find it a fun addition to my collection - and by all means; it is capable of giving a nice comfortable shave, something i doubted prior to trying it.

On a side note, because this is supposed to be a historical replica; the historical accuracy of the razor/set is not wery high. It seems though that many diffrent razors were issued to german soldiers during WWII - this one resembles some of these, but not in detail.


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Got one from the Bay for 1,30 usd (normal price 2,49) from a Turkish seller. With a Rapira and ARKO stick I had a nice shave. Makes a lot of noise cutting the hairs. You do no have to bother about angle, the razor takes care of that. It is fairly aggressive: like the Lord L111/Racer R314 I would say. It is very light, some 27 grams, but completely out of metal. A nice inexpensive razor. A good starters razor (if you like them a bit aggressive), or travel razor.
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