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Vitos Sapone Per Barba Supercrema Finessima Emolliente

Wanted to compare this one to the Extra Super. Can not tell them apart. Extra Super (Red) had added glycerin. Apart from that scent, performance and price are the same. See my review on the Extra Super for that. Worth a try. If your skin can not take almond oil (like me) this one does not have it, but contains benzaldehyde instead. Do not like almond scent as you may know, but I can stand this. It is not too strong. I finish up with Vitos dopobarba, and on top of that some Vitos Menthol Cologne, so the almond scent is soon gone :laugh:
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Vitos Sapone Per Barba Supercrema Finissima Emolliente

1. Product name: Vitos Sapone Per Barba Supercrema Finissima Emolliente
2. Country of origin: Italy
3. Container size: 1 kg (35.27 ounces)
4. Price: including shipping costs from UK to USA, $32.32 current exchange rate (£23.67)
5. Cost per ounce: $0.92
6. Fragrance: Does it have a scent? Light and clean
7. Texture: Describe the look and feel. Soft smooth malleable soap
8. Protective: Does it protect against razor burn and chafing? Yes
9. Lubrication: Is it slippery? Did it help the razor slide smoothly? Yes
10. Efficiency: Does it do what was expected to help me shave? Yes
11. Endurance: Does it dissipate between passes? No
12. Washable: Does it wash off face & razor easily afterward? Yes
13. Moisturizing: Does it add/restore moisture? Yes
14. Brush lather: Will a brush make it lather in a bowl? Yes. Thick rich creamy
15. Brush cleanup: Does it easily rinse out of a brush? Yes
16. Remarks

I recently received a generous sample of this mysterious soft Italian soap, and pressed it into a bowl. Vitos is a softly scented distant cousin of Cella. I'd say the fragrance of Vitos is a light clean smell. < insert YMMV caveat here > :biggrin1: The fragrance is pleasant.

The texture is soft but after I’ve used it, it’s not sticky. The appearance of Vitos reminds me of light golden honey with melted butter swirled around in it. It's a superb product. As someone else has posted, there’s no learning curve. It produces an excellent lather. The lather builds quickly, and is slow to break down.

After a few shaves with Vitos, I haven't any negatives to report. The fragrance is mild, mild, mild, the performance is just what we look for in every serious shaving soap. I haven’t seen an ingredient list, but I am told that Vitos is tallow based.

Now it's official. I've placed my order for a 1kg block of Vitos. My son and I will split it, and it'll last us a long time. It is good enough to be the only one, even though it never will be.:thumbup:
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