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Trumpers GFT

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I'm going to just follow the categories and comment on each I guess. But I had been looking for something other than my usual lime scented stuff. Not too many here seem to be using this stuff, but I figured hey, it's Trumpers. How bad can it be? Turns out I had nothing to worry about.

I dinged this stuff on price. I mean, come on. I know it's top shelf. But $20 for 2.6oz? Yeek. Not much is worth that. Not when I can get 11oz of Kiss My Face that works just as well for less than half the price.

Quality? Oh yeah. This stuff exudes quality. Thick and rich, and with a wonderful scent that I can't put my finger on.

That scent; It's not citrus, it's not floral, it's not cologne. No clue what it actually IS, aside from terrific. This is the ONLY cream I have that you can smell all day. It's not overwhelming. You have to concentrate to smell it. If you are wearing cologne I doubt it will interfere with that. I don't, so I can't attest to that fact. It is now three hours after the shave, and I can still smell the stuff. Mmmmmm. Nice.

Latherability is great. The cream is quite dense and you don't need a lot. You have to work a bit to get a good lather, but it is definitely worth the trouble. It adds maybe 15 seconds to my shave.

It works. I can go any direction I want with complete comfort and zero irritation. There is plenty on my brush to go back and touch up, relathering several times if necessary. Then you have to get all the extra out of your brush!

As for moisturizing, my face just feels great after a Trumpers shave. Not tight and very smooth. GFT is no different. My skin is sensitive to many things, and nothing in any Trumpers that I've used so far has given me any problems.

Packaging? Too much attention is paid to packaging. The stuff I bought comes in a tube in a box. What more do you need? A long as I can squeeze out what I need when I want it, we're good.

Over all I highly recommend Trumpers in general, if you don't mind ponying up the dosh. It's quite nice and decadent to use, and does it's job very well indeed. Whether it's worth the premium over stuff like KMF or Derby is entirely up to you.

Latest reviews

Pros: Latherability and Scent!
I love this Cream and the way it lathers. The smell is very refreshing and clean. Trumper always does a great job!
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)
Pros: Slick/protection from razor burn, scent
Cons: None, yet.
I loved the scent... couldn't wait to try it. I expected a similar product to TOOBS given the similarity to the container and all..... Wow. Best shaving cream I've tried in three years of wet shaving.
Bests the following: Old Spice, TOOBS St. James, Taylors, Jermyn, AOS Sandalwood, JM Fraser Jake's Sport, J Peterman, Irisch Moos, Razorock XXX, Arko Stick, Commando, and Lemon.
The GFT continues to provide protection and slickness even after the razor has passed. Effortless shaving. Wife likes this scent better than any of my others... Although St. James and Jake's Sport are really nice as well.
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
5.00 star(s)
I had a GFT cream sample that I tried this morning.

Very similar to other Trumper creams in all but scent and feel. It smells and 'feels' like GFT cologne has been added directly to an unscented base trumpers shaving cream.

The scent is a 'citrusy', subtle, cologne type smell. The scent was not at all bad, but I just didnt like it in my shaving cream. This is obviously entirely personal, and others may love cologne in their creams. I realised today that I do not.

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1.25 star(s) 8 ratings

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