Great entry level razor for guys with moderate to heavy beards. My particular model is an open comb design which I didn't care for. The weight is a little light compared to my 1949 Gillette Superspeed but, performed well once I got use to it.
I shave with a number of razors and this one is the one I use most. Great razor!
Price: I paid 29 bucks with free shipping and that was great.
Quality: When I first opened the package I thought that I was shipped a used razor. That was not the case. It had what almost looked like a water spot underneath and when pulling it apart it had some kind of gear oil deep with in the splines of the screws. Washed the razor up good and mineral oiled where the razor screws together. Freed it up nicely got the gunk out and now it screws in and out fine. Perhaps a little bit more detailed QC inspection would have given it a better first impression.
User Friendly: This razor is quite simple to use. With the 3 piece design you have to keep the razor splines free and clear of gunk so that it twists smoothly so you don't cut your digits when replacing the blades. As said earlier a little mineral oil and you're good to go. It is very easy to shave with.
Grip: It does not have deep knurling and can be a little slippery. A quick rinse under the water between passes and you will have no problems.
Ease of blade replacement: 3 piece design. Its not a Twist to open, so what can you expect. Compared to that technology its a 7. Compared to other 3 piece razors, if you have seen one you've seen them all. Its not rocket science just be careful.
Aggressiveness: I find it to be moderately aggressive. Depends largely on the razor blade you are using and the technique you use with it. I like to "choke up on the bat" so to speak. I don't let the weight of the head do all the work like others may advocate. Its a control issue for me. I prefer to glide my blade according to feel. I'm doing the shaving in my den, not the razor. So I'm not gonna let a razor push and pull however it wants to on MY face.
I find everything about the 1904 to be top of the line. It has become my go to razor, just in front of the HD. I've tried 7 other razors, and for me the 1904 tops them all. I have fairly large hands and I find this razor very easy to hold and use. My beard is thick and the 1904 handle's it with ease. I like it so much that I also have the open comb version which I use if my beard is 3 or more days of growth. I've had no problems at all with any aspect of the 1904. I like the thinner head on this razor which I really like for shaving under my nose, and for getting into hard to shave area's. This is the best razor that I have ever used, IMHO, and one that should not be overlooked.
I personally got into wet-shaving whit the Merkur 1904. In fact i first bought it because he was the cheaper in all the Merkur's available. I heard it was a classical razor that was very apparent to those available in the early 1900's so i ordered one and gave it a try. In fact its a very good razor, and a good looking one.If u start shaving whit a DE and u don't know the technique its a good razor to learn. But as i got a bit of skills i found that for myself, having a heavy beard, it was not enough agressive. The main problem i found whit that razor was that he is too light, it's hard to put no pressure on it. Other negative point would be the size of the handle witch is very short, and the closer the handle the more u are tempt to put pressure. But in overall i would say it's a good razor to keep in the rotation, easy to use, and for those with lighter beard it's the perfect one.