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Simpson Tulip 3

I have used my Tulip 3 three band for two years now. I think this is my favorite brush, and I have Shavemac DO1 two band, Simpson Chubby 3 in super and other brushes as well.

The softnesss ot the tips on my Tulip is just unbeliveable. My Shavemac D01 feels pricky compared to the Tulip. I have never felt a softer brush against my skin. And the ergonomics are perfect as well, not to forget it is a very beautiful design to look at.

Last the lather. Both soaps and creams explodes into the creamiest, softest and most perfect later with this brush. Every time I use my Tulip 3 I wonder why I still buy new brushes, but I guess that`s just the way it is with us men and our hobbies:001_smile
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Softness of Tips
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Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
I've been using this brush fairly often for about 2 months now, and I find myself liking it more and more each time I use it. The super knot just has a firm, assertive feel that my other brushes can't match. When I'm in the mood for a luxurious experience I grab a Rooney super silvertip. When I want a vigorous massage to brace myself for the day, I reach for the Tulip. The thing is, while the brush is very firm it is not at all prickly or scratchy. It's the best of both worlds. I really like the handle, with its sexy shape and perfect polish; it simply exudes quality. The flared bottom of the handle fits right into the palm and makes face-lathering a breeze. I get the feeling that they didn't coat the handle in crack, they actually carved it out of a piece of it. By the way, this brush has not shed one hair yet - not one. The price is high, but overall I think this brush is worth it just for the experience of using something that's among the very best.

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Softness of Tips
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Stiffness of Tips
2.00 star(s)
I have the T3 in Super (the same as Scotto's PJ pictured above) for comparison I have a Chubby 1 in Super with the two tone hair.
The 3 banded are much softer and they bloom much fuller. I absolutely love this brush! Scotto's right, if it's not crack they coat them in, it's something really good.
This brush is much softer, but still very dense and brush is anything but floppy. The shafts are flexible, but snap back quickly to retain its shape. As usual with Simpsons Super brushes the quality is top notch.
The handle is a little odd. When I first opened the box, the brush looked downright funny with the handle being so much wider than the bristles. But after I used it I grew to appreciate the oversized handle. I found it very ergonomic and easy to maneuver. Also there is a little guard around the top which keeps lather from running down to your hand, which I really appreciated. The latherablity is also fantastic it lathers every bit as good as my 28mm Shavemac. All around a great brush. I'm a bigger fan of creams than soaps, so the softer striped or 3 banded version suits my needs better.
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Softness of Tips
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Stiffness of Tips
3.00 star(s)
I just sold one of these. And I must say I still have some pangs about it. As I will explain, this was only because of redundancy. Fantastic little brush.

: As Scotto says, this gem is quite firm. I also have the two band (white on black) hair. According to some research on SMF, the Tulip, especially the T3 and T4, tends to have this knot, rather than the more common three band. I understand this version is a little stiffer, which I consider a very good thing. If you like a slightly scrubby feeling, with the brush offering a fair amount of resistance as you push it into your face, this is a great choice.

At the same time, I did not find it unpleasantly prickly. Actually, in my opinion, it is not prickly at all. Now, if you want silky soft smoothness, go get an Omega. But this has a marvalous way of being very gently scrubbing. No pricking, no irritation, just firm but gentle scrubbing.

Knot size: I like this size a lot. It does feel a little smaller than some 23-24mm brushes would, because of the very low bloom. It seems about ideal though, especially with soaps. Small enough to go at the soap dish fairly cleanly and neatly, but large enough to feel luxurious in use. Simpsons, btw does of course use the fan shap rather than the lightbulb, however, as you can see in Scotto's photos, this knot is a little more domed than some.

Handle size/Shape: The handle really sets this brush apart. Shapewise, you can tell if you like the way it looks or not, so I make no comment except that this is my favorite looking of all shapes. It also fits well in the hand. Large and solid, not small, like so many brushes with this size knot (I love my 23mm Shavemac to death, but the handle is just a bit small for my hand). I will say that the PJ3 was ever so slightly more ergonomic for me, which is the only reason I no longer have this brush. The diameter is very much the same, the PJ just has a slightly longer curve.

Lathering performance
: Outstanding. Kicks up lather just great. Especially nice that on soaps the stiffness picks up fast. But just great with cream too (I don't believe in the soap/cream brush distinction, really). I cannot do a direct comparison, but I had no problem with the bristles hoarding the lather and not letting it out, like some complain of with the chubby - the T3 has considerably longer loft which lets it open up more.

: This could easily be your one and only brush, if you like a stiffer brush. Basically more or less ideal in every way.

I did sell it, but only because I had to brushes that were almost excactly the same in performance. Unlike Scotto's, my PJ3 had a knot of the same type as the T3. And it is virtually the same diameter and loft. The PJ might have been the tiniest hair bigger, but it was hard to tell. Because the PJ3 handle fit my hand just ever so slightly better, in that the longer curve let my thumb rest slightly better, I decided to keep it, and sell the T3.

2.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
4.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
5.00 star(s)
I must say that this is one of the most interesting brushes I have purchased in my wet shaving career. It is really its own thing, so to speak, and is quite unique in a number of ways.

Here it is:

First of all, Simpsons variablity in badger hair is fairly well known. In the "super" grade, in which the Tulip is only available, the bundle is either of the "two band" kind as shown here, or the "three band", as in my PJ3 super, shown with the Tulip below.

By bands, I am referring to the number of color variations from the base of the knot to the tips. There doesn't seem to be any way to predict which hair you will get, so this is a case where looking before you buy is important, since the two types behave quite differently.

The Tulip wants to hold its shape more than any other brush I have encountered. There has been almost no bloom whatsoever since I have been using it. The bristles are extremely stiff in the shafts, and the tips are medium-soft. It produces a very firm scrubbing sensation while lathering. Originally, I didn't care for this, but I have become quite fond of it over time. The knot is about 23 mm, and it comes across as on the small side due to the lack of bloom. Here is a picture with the PJ3 and the C&E best badger, a popular model around these parts, so you can see the size differences:

The handle is what really attracted me to this brush. It is a squat, curvaceous beauty, with the unique "gutter" at the base of the bristles. The pictures don't do it justice, but the luster of the handle material and its shape are really lovely. As you can see, that infernal Simpsons sticker is still holding on, though I haven't gone out of my way to make it stick. Here is a picture showing the "gutter:

As for lathering, it is a machine on soaps due to its firmness. It is no slouch on creams either. I find the knot size just right for me- not too large or too small.

This has become a good friend. I am not sure it is worth the price tag (in the vicinity of $200 depending on where you get it), but I will never allow my brush shelf to be devoid of its beauty.

This review is being discussed here.
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