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Sharp Stainless

I recieved a 5 pack of these blades as part of a sampler pack. I decided to try one out the other day. I had a 2 day beard going, and my beard is fairly thick.

I lathered up and started to shave. The blade immediately started tugging rather than cutting the hair, it felt like it was plucking my face like a bird. :crying: Never before has shaving with a DE brought tears to my eyes.

The second and third pass wasn't as bad, but it certainly was not an enjoyable shave.

I did get a DFS out of 3 passes. So I figured I would give it another chance.

The next morning I took a little longer with my face prep, I applied a preshave, and whipped up a good superlather. The blade did not tug as much (with only a 1 day growth) but I found that I had a lot of irritation after 2 passes.

I decided to call it quits, and will be throwing away the remaining 4 blades.

Stay away from Sharp.
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3.00 star(s)
Pros: I have only a 5 pack
Cons: Dull, harsh
I seriously thought about tossing this blade after the first pass. It was that bad. It tugged and pulled and felt like cutting warm butter would have been a challenge. I tossed the blade after 3 passes. I might give Sharp another shot but not anytime soon. Price: I got them as part of a sampler, so I didn't have a price that I paid. But the 'Bay has them for $0.26/blade which is at the higher end. Packaging: Cardboard pack wrapped in cellophane. I nicked them 1 point for the plastic. The blades are double wrapped with no glue. Everything else is just pretty bad.
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Smoothness of Shave
0.00 star(s)
Pros: cheapness
Cons: rough, tuggy, below average sharpness
I'm not experienced enough to give good numerical ratings but I'd say these were poor blades and especially poor for newcomers. Rough, tuggy, unpleasant from the first. Others felt better immediately. Tried a second one and threw it away before finishing one side of my face. I might revisit them someday but given the range of other blades more easily available at low prices, I probably won't take the time. If I'm wrong, it's not worth finding out.
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Smoothness of Shave
1.00 star(s)
When I first became a member here, SSLStudio was kind enough to send me some blades on the understanding that I would post reviews once I had tried them out, the Sharp's were the first blades I finished testing.
Firstly, some points for your consideration. I gave the price a 10 because I got them gratis, I don't actually know how much they cost. Secondly, I gave the packaging a 5 because it comes in a simple cardboard box, this mark is not a criticism I just thought it represented a fair average; the box isn't good and it isn't bad, it just is.
Onto the blades themselves, I actually like these blades quite a bit. I first tried them when I was having problems with Merkur blades and had yet to receive my order of Feathers. They provided a welcome relief from the burn caused by the Merkurs, without having to sacrifice a good shave for comfort.
As for the sharpness of the blades, i would put them on a similiar level as Merkur or Israeli blades. Whilst they are never going to set the world alight in terms of sharpness, they do what they are designed to do admirably. For anyone who is unable to get along with the Feather blades for an extended period of time these would provide a welcome rest period from overly sharp blades.
When I first broke out a fresh Sharp, the initial shave, while not unpleasant, was quite rough, but shaves 2-5 with the blade were nice and smooth. I switch all my blades out after 5 days, so I cannot provide a complete assessment of this blades overall longevity, but while I was using it, it did it's job just fine without dulling noticeably.
In the Merkur HD, this seems to show a bit more blade than other brands (could just be my perception though) but it is never harsh. In the futur, the blade seemd to be a bit overwhelmed by the size and weight of the razor, so I think it is better in smaler, less heavy razors.
As for the shave itself, it is not on the same level in terms of closeness as the Feather's or the Swedes, but after four passes I had a good, close shave without any irritation or redness.
All in all, this is a solid, no frills blade that I would recommend to those who have access. To those who can get Israeli's easily it might not be worth tracking down some Sharp's, but for anoyne who is struggling with another blade, these might be your salvation.
Warm regards,
I've been through most of the blades in letterk's sample pack. Of the lot I haven't been TOO impressed with any, except the feathers. Swedes and Israelis haven't really worked for me (as yet, I've only tried them in the SS).

But these blades were wonderful. My first shave was smoother than a feather, more like a Derby in that regard. But it was a trouble-free BBS, which is very like a feather-shave (in contrast to say, Derby's where you have to work at it a bit).

I was quite surprised, to say the least. The feather is a good blade, but I always shave with a bit of extra caution (but it is NOT a scary blade at all), but at this price and smoothness I much prefer these blades. Give them a try, these blades will surprise you. Heck, the first seven people to PM me will get a 1-pack sampler gratis.

Disclaimer: YMMV, and I've only tried them for three shaves in a slantbar & 60s SS. I've loaded them up into all my razors and I'm going to be adding to this review later, so my ratings may change. I want to see how long they go for, so dismiss the longevity rating for now. The packaging is not great, but functional enough.

Thanks Rene for a great find! (Rene aka SSLStudio ships these blades from Europe).
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
I received a single five-pack of these blades with a medium size (50-blade) order of Feathers which is currently my favourite, most used blade. I didn't request them, so, they either felt like giving a sample away or sent me a five-pack by mistake, either way, I decided to try them; though I put 0 for price as I paid nothing for them, and I don't know anywhere that sells them (the shop I bought the feathers off doesn't list these in their fairly wide range, strange.).

Anyways, on to the blade. I feel these are not as sharp as some blades (other than Feathers) I've used previously, but they're far from being "not sharp enough."

The part these blades do seem to excel at are surprising smoothness and consistency from blade to blade. Very forgiving while still giving a very good shave. These blades should be called "Smooth" instead of "Sharp".

Packaging doesn't bother me in 5s, but I don't like the cardboard boxes. Though I do like the fact each individual blade comes in a 2-part packaging, an outer and inner layer.
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4.00 star(s)
Razor blades are truely YMMV! I bought 5 packs a while back and every blade that I have used gives me an extremely harsh shave. If they work for you, that is wonderful! They don't work for me...
5.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
2.00 star(s)
Aside from being inexpensive, I would have to disagree with the users here, These blades were crappy, and would pull beard alot, and would not reccomend them..Shave was mediocore and can rash you pretty quick.
4.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
I find these the best for me. They seldom cut and do not nick. I get an extremely smooth shave from these blades.. I find they are outstanding in my Superspeed and Gillette tech razors.

They do not last as long as the platinum blades (usually 4-6 shaves per blade with the Sharps) but at 14.00 including S+H for 100 blades on Ebay, how can I complain? When these are fresh out of the box, the can't be beat for the quality of shave.
5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
I got a 5 pack of these free with my 38C & decided to give one a whirl, they are not as sharp as a Derby & not as smooth as a Crystal but I got 7 good shaves out of it & probably one or two more if I hadn't binned it, Are they going to stop me using Derby's, no, but I would chose a Sharp over a Crystal, YMMV.
4.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
Some of these reviews said this is a good blade to rest your face from your Feather shaves. An affordable everyday blade.


I get a nick or two using whenever I use a fresh blade. No big deal. I tried these Sharps today and they certainly were. Easily the bloodiest shave since I tried a Merkur in an opened-too-far Futur, my first DE shave. (I have the ER photos.) Today I actually cut my neck in brand-new places where I had never cut before. On the sides of my neck where I get razor burn, lots of nicks. Under my chin, more nicks.

The coup de grace was a center bleeder on my neck that wouldn't stop with a styptic pencil. Fun.

After several months of DE shaving, these blades resulted in more cuts than fresh "Day One" Swedish Gillette, Gillette Silver Bleu, Israeli Personna, Wilkinson, Treet carbon steel, Treet Dura Sharp, Derbys, Trigs, you name it.

For obvious reasons -- squeamishness -- I haven't tried Feathers.

Price? Low enough.

Longevity? Who cares.

Back to DORCO BLADES for my rest-my-face shaves.

My overall ratings are way too generous and do not show how much I dislike these bloodsucking little puppies, so I'm giving them a zero on quality.
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Smoothness of Shave
4.00 star(s)
I wanted to try this blade out from go!! I am glad that I waited to try this blade because it plain out sucks!!
From start, I knew this thing was going to bad. It immediately pulled on my one day growth and it was very uncomfortable throughout the shave. So much misery from this blade! I was cut several times overcompensating with pressure trying to get this blade to cut my whiskers.

By far, the worst blade I have tried and I am scared to give it another chance... I have 4 left, anyone want to trade???? I would almost give these things away, but beware of this gift horse.
3.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
1.00 star(s)
I tried these before reading reviews so didn't know what to expect. The first time out they felt sharp and dangerous in my 40's super speed. I kept a light touch but still felt like I was about to shear off my cheek at any time. However, after three passes plus touch up I had one of the closest shaves ever. The second blade I used felt a little smoother, but still sharp and delivered a great shave. I've since started using an Merkur HD and get excellent results from it as well. I find that it's easy to over shave with it which can result in some irritation, but if I do everything right I'm awarded BBS and irritation free shaves every time.

I can get three shaves out of these without a problem.
5.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
5.00 star(s)
I was really looking forward to trying out these blades because they have garnered some positive talk on the board. It is usually exciting, if not always pleasant, to try new products.

The price is very reasonable however I found the shave not so much. I tried them in a Tech (w/ Speick SC, TOBS Lavender SS and Musgo Real SC) and a Futur (w/ JM Frasers SC) with very little success. The first blade I stretched to 3 days, should have let it be at 2. The second blade I cut-off after 1 day.

This blade seems as about as sharp as a Merkur. About the only positive remarks I can make about Sharp is that they are a mild and forgiving blade. They have to be to get anything that resembles a decent shave.
4.00 star(s)
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2.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
When you want a close shave for a big date or a special event, this this is the blade. I will always keep these blades on hand. The only down side is that you can only use them two or three times before dulling.
5.00 star(s)
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Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
Price: About 15 cents per blade.

Quality: Better than the average.

Sharpness: They got their name for a reason.

Longevity: As I have noticed with the sharper blades, they tend to dull faster.

Smoothness of Shave: Not the best.

Packaging: Cheap in all regards.
4.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
Ok, the packageing aside, the shave, (preparing my face as always, shower and a nice shower of tabac) is smooth as silk for me. Merkur blades seemed to be the blade for me theses last few months but saw these on ebay for $9.00 with free shipping for 100 and since I was pretty low, I sprange for them! I've only been DE shaving alittle over 6 months but we all know how excessive we can be when were new. Granted, with my wirey bush a feather takes 3 passes and touchups. These blades do the same and my chin tucks are a breeze. I know I still need to be cautious but in several dozen shaves there has been no blood,burn or the slightest irratation. I don't really know how many shaves I could get I change the blade after my 3rd which holds true for the merkur, feather and crystal.:w00t: :tongue_smI'm really liking these because I initially got into DE shaving because of the cost savings. (Not the way its worked out so far but loving every chance I get to shave:blush: For now these are my blade of choice!
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