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SCS Bay Rum with a Twist ASM

Item Description

Sue hit another home run with this one.

Price like all of her products is easy on the wallet, and a great value

Quality Absolute highest quality standards. Sue and Wendy never fail to impress me. Products do not go for sale until they go through extensive testing.

Fights Razor Burn Really settles down my face after a rough shave. Moisturizes and leaves the face feeling great

Cooling Sensation I was very surprised, I did not expect cooling from a non alcohol aftershave with no menthol, but I did get a great sensation. I thought it must have some menthol in it, Sue told it may be from the Spearmint EO.

Scent Dreamy. I tried the EDT first, and fell in love with it. I had to have it in my aftershave also. Scent is the same, and it sticks around well too.

Efficacy Exactly what you would expect from it. Meets and exceeds my expectations.

As an aftershave milk, it is basically a lotion in addition to an aftershave. I would compare it to the Nivea line for moisturizing.

No alcohol burn Strangely I did get a tingle almost slight bracing effect from this. No alcohol included, so I am not sure what it is from, but I like that it tightens my skin a bit, it also has the moisturizing properties I like, so for me it is the best of both alcohol and lotion worlds.

Over all, my favorite aftershave. I will continue to keep it at hand.

Latest reviews

Pros: Moisturizing
Cons: smell
After a few reviews here I bought a sample. The lime definately didn't shine through. It smelled like bathroom cleaner to be honest. Not what I was looking for. My wife said "well, that IS a manly bathroomy smell" I thought it was just me.
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3.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
2.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
2.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
2.00 star(s)
I love the scent. I bought it based off of reviews, but once I paid I figured I made a mistake. The only mistake is I don't use it enough because I don't want to waste it. It leaves my face soft after a shaver, much longer than a liquid that dries my face. The price may be the best part of all. As they state on their website " a little goes a long way". That is so true. Of all my splashes, lotions, balms and milks...this is the one I look forward to using the most.
Price: I just got a sample, so I can't really comment on the price of a full bottle.

Quality: A good milk, but with (IMHO), one fatal flaw...

Razor Burn: Does a good job, can't complain. I'm not going to rave about it like some other products, but it's not one of those balms where you wonder if it really did anything.

Cooling: It's not mentholated, so hey, none expected.

Scent: Here's the real problem for me. It. Smells. Awful. I know everyone else thinks it smells great, but next to CF or QCS lime and Dominica Bay Rum, neither the lime nor the Bay Rum notes really deliver, and together they smell a bit like a pool bathroom. One that's been cleaned recently, admittedly, with a citrusy cleaning agent, but it really reminded me of a toilet of some variety. I gave it a 1, because it's still better than Williams, but I couldn't wash the smell off quickly enough.

Efficacy: Except for the scent, it did its job well.

Moisturizing: Yup, it definitely moisturized really well.

No burn: Didn't detect any, and I don't recall having any sensitive-skin issues with it, either. It's really just the gorram smell...
1.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
4.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
1.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
3.00 star(s)

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