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Prairie Creations Rose

Item Description

  • [*]Price-At $6.50 for a 5 oz refill puck, there is much value to be had with this soap.
  • Quality-I haven't tried many high end soaps, and the best I've tried before this soap was Tabac. In my opinion this soap is better. A couple differences between the soaps are: Tabac gets flaky when it sits on your face too long...Prairie Creations Rose does not. Tabac is triple milled, PC Rose is not (no big deal). PC Rose to me, edges out Tabac in quality, since it's a bit more moisturizing (at least to me).
  • Scent-I haven't smelled any other rose scented shaving soaps, but I know what roses smell like, and this soap smells like fresh cut roses! It's a delight to sniff this soap every time. The smell last enough for the whole shave, but it seems to fade when you apply your aftershave.
  • Lather-The most fun part, as you can see, I've included some pictures of what a rich lather this soap can produce with a boar brush, and a badger brush. I think the pictures speak for themselves fellas! :wink:
  • Efficacy-The most important part, the effectiveness...I remember when Krissy started out, and she sent out her test batches. I personally thought her soaps couldn't get any better than her #17 batch. I was worried at first when I found out that she tweaked the formula, but my worries were put to rest when I tried this soap! The number one difference between her #17 and this batch, is that this soap in particular penetrates the beard as well as J.M. Fraser's. I have a very coarse beard, and I generally get slight tugging when shaving WTG on the chin...Even after proper prep with most soaps and creams. These are the only two products that penetrate my beard effectively. When using this product, I no longer get tugging in the chin area. This results in me getting a closer, smoother shave.
  • Moisturizing-This one is tough for a guy like me, since I have sensitive skin. My face feels tight with virtually all soaps and creams after a shave. With PC Rose, my face doesn't feel as tight after a shave, however just like all my other soaps...once I use some aftershave balm, my face feels much better. Especially when I use Prairie Creations Cool Spring aftershave balm, but that's another review. :wink: Here are some pictures of the boar brush in action.
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Latest reviews

I have been able to use this several times and I found it to be quite a good soap. It also has a wonderful true rose soap. And it's tallow!!!

PRICE Reasonable but not a very hard soap. Won't last as long as the triple milled soaps.
QUALITY This is a good artisan soap. It comes in a nice sturdy plastic tub with nice labeling and the ingredients listed.
SCENT This is the best part. Imagine shoving your nose into a freshly bloomed rose, doesn't remind me of an old lady in the least. Wonderful.
LATHER Very good, not super thick but good cushion. Takes a little more work to get a good lather than the other ones but worth it.
EFFICACYExcellent slickness, good protection, and rose based soaps are always beneficial to my skin.
MOISTURIZINGNot drying at all.
4.00 star(s)
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4.00 star(s)

  • [*]Price-At $6.50 for a 5 oz refill puck, there is much value to be had with this soap.
  • Quality-I haven't tried many high end soaps, and the best I've tried before this soap was Tabac. In my opinion this soap is better. A couple differences between the soaps are: Tabac gets flaky when it sits on your face too long...Prairie Creations Rose does not. Tabac is triple milled, PC Rose is not (no big deal). PC Rose to me, edges out Tabac in quality, since it's a bit more moisturizing (at least to me).
  • Scent-I haven't smelled any other rose scented shaving soaps, but I know what roses smell like, and this soap smells like fresh cut roses! It's a delight to sniff this soap every time. The smell last enough for the whole shave, but it seems to fade when you apply your aftershave.
  • Lather-The most fun part, as you can see, I've included some pictures of what a rich lather this soap can produce with a boar brush, and a badger brush. I think the pictures speak for themselves fellas! :wink:
  • Efficacy-The most important part, the effectiveness...I remember when Krissy started out, and she sent out her test batches. I personally thought her soaps couldn't get any better than her #17 batch. I was worried at first when I found out that she tweaked the formula, but my worries were put to rest when I tried this soap! The number one difference between her #17 and this batch, is that this soap in particular penetrates the beard as well as J.M. Fraser's. I have a very coarse beard, and I generally get slight tugging when shaving WTG on the chin...Even after proper prep with most soaps and creams. These are the only two products that penetrate my beard effectively. When using this product, I no longer get tugging in the chin area. This results in me getting a closer, smoother shave.
  • Moisturizing-This one is tough for a guy like me, since I have sensitive skin. My face feels tight with virtually all soaps and creams after a shave. With PC Rose, my face doesn't feel as tight after a shave, however just like all my other soaps...once I use some aftershave balm, my face feels much better. Especially when I use Prairie Creations Cool Spring aftershave balm, but that's another review. :wink: Here are some pictures of the boar brush in action.
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5.00 star(s)
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Nadir M
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