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Porters After Shave Lotion

Item Description

First things First, Ingredients: Water, witch hazel (distilled), glycerin, alcohol (denat.), greensoap (USP0, ammonium carbonate, camphor, rosemary oil, bay oil, and lemon grass oil.
Price: Available through Porters or Amazon for $10.50 (10-13-09)
Quality: The Lotion itself is thicker than a normal splash. The plastic bottle does not do the product justice.
Fights Razor Burn: It works like a bay rum would, although it softens the skin way more.
Cooling Sensation: The burn is minimal but it is not cooling
Scent: The smell combines the essence of birch beer and the spicey notes of a bay rum. It is a updated crunchier verison of the classic bay rum. The smell lingers through the day fading by mid afternoon when applied in the morning .
Efficacy: It is witch hazel based so it provides all the benefits of that particular tonic.
Moisturizing: Won't dry out the face like most booze based after shaves.
No Alcohol Burn: Its pretty mild with the lack of hooche and the predominance of witch hazel.

Overall: I would recommend this to a person with sensitive skin who likes the earthy scents of a bay rum. It is a good product and I would recommend it.

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Being one who suffers from sensitive skin and especially with the cold weather coming our way I will probably check this product out. Thanks for the review.
First things First, Ingredients: Water, witch hazel (distilled), glycerin, alcohol (denat.), greensoap (USP0, ammonium carbonate, camphor, rosemary oil, bay oil, and lemon grass oil.
Price: Available through Porters or Amazon for $10.50 (10-13-09)
Quality: The Lotion itself is thicker than a normal splash. The plastic bottle does not do the product justice.
Fights Razor Burn: It works like a bay rum would, although it softens the skin way more.
Cooling Sensation: The burn is minimal but it is not cooling
Scent: The smell combines the essence of birch beer and the spicey notes of a bay rum. It is a updated crunchier verison of the classic bay rum. The smell lingers through the day fading by mid afternoon when applied in the morning .
Efficacy: It is witch hazel based so it provides all the benefits of that particular tonic.
Moisturizing: Won't dry out the face like most booze based after shaves.
No Alcohol Burn: Its pretty mild with the lack of hooche and the predominance of witch hazel.

Overall: I would recommend this to a person with sensitive skin who likes the earthy scents of a bay rum. It is a good product and I would recommend it.
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
3.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
2.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
4.00 star(s)

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