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Omega 80257 Banded Boar

Item Description

Having a terrible time picking out a first boar brush, I settled on this one because I trusted Omega boar and it was a compromise between a small and big brush and I think it looks cool, like something I'd like to use every day. It is a pleasure to use and, as it softens with time, can put a walloping big pile of lather up in a hurry.

Price: $12 + shipping.
Quality: Omega quality---great. A little seam on the plastic handle. Has survived a few hard drops on the floor.
Density: There's quite a hole in the middle (where I place shave cream) that's a bit disappointing. It feels fuller as the bristles split and soften. Does not seem to affect latherability or feel.
Stiffness/Softness: Each feels just right for me.
Ergonomic: I like the chubby style---easy to hold and use. Looks cool---like a little flower pot with a bloom of boar hairs.
Latherability: Good, and gets better and better with time.

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Having a terrible time picking out a first boar brush, I settled on this one because I trusted Omega boar and it was a compromise between a small and big brush and I think it looks cool, like something I'd like to use every day. It is a pleasure to use and, as it softens with time, can put a walloping big pile of lather up in a hurry.

Price: $12 + shipping.
Quality: Omega quality---great. A little seam on the plastic handle. Has survived a few hard drops on the floor.
Density: There's quite a hole in the middle (where I place shave cream) that's a bit disappointing. It feels fuller as the bristles split and soften. Does not seem to affect latherability or feel.
Stiffness/Softness: Each feels just right for me.
Ergonomic: I like the chubby style---easy to hold and use. Looks cool---like a little flower pot with a bloom of boar hairs.
Latherability: Good, and gets better and better with time.
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
3.00 star(s)
Stiffness of Tips
4.00 star(s)

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