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Laser Super Platinum Double Edged Blades


I saw these blades a few weeks ago and was put off from buying them because of the price - 'Surely something that cheap can't be very good' I thought. Well, I was visiting the same shop (Wilkinsons supermarket, UK) and saw them again. This time I was definately going home with a pack (and a spare pack to distribute to B&B members), and not letting my feeling rule my head. Besides, I had to be the 'guinea pig' to try them as noone else had yet reviewed them.
So, first glance, they look OK - the packaging is more or less the same as the Derby extra box when they're out of the cardboard. They are single wax paper wrapped in boxes of 5 blades for 0.39 UK pence a box (of 5).
The blades also have the 1 - 2 and 3 - 4 written on either side of the blade (I still don't know what this referrs to?).

The shave:
I thought that I'd better use a good lather for my debut shave with this blade, so I decided on the C&E Sweet Almond Oil cream to help me. I loaded up my Merkur Progress with the blade, and set it to #3.
First pass felt OK - No jumping or snagging, just the little 'popping' of the hairs being cut. I must say the first pass with it reminded me of the Merkur blades - For me, OK, but not as nice as the Derby's. Second pass was ATG and not too bad either, still feeling 'not so sharp', but OK. I finished off with a bit of buffing around the jaw line to catch the 'straglers' with no problems. Having only used this blade once I cannot really comment on the 'longevity', so have given it a middle-of-the-road 5 so far.

Quite good packaging, Very cheap price tag, Fairly good shave (but the blade doesn't feel so sharp). Maybe 2nd shave will feel nicer as a lot of blades have felt for me. Lastly - probably not a blade that I would use frequently but pretty good for a last-minute buy.
Thanks for reading my review, hopefully we'll see more reviews on these blades shortly.
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I posted using this title in the general forum Friday 9th March '07. I would agree that these blades are not worth buying, they are not sharp enough yet still managed to cut my throat to ribbons. If you are a masochist buy them!
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One of the reasons that brought me to DE shaving was that I was simply fed up with the expensive hype surrounding system razors. I would love to find a cheap, but excellent DE blade and I don't mind giving different blades a try when I come across them.

In the local Carrefour (French chain with international outlets) supermarket I came across these blades. The name didn't mean anything to me, but some research revealed that these blades are manufactured in India by on of the largest producers of DE blades.

The price was exceptionally cheap and I couldn't really go wrong at that price, I thought. The first two shaves were nothing worth writing home about, not good, certainly not excellent, just acceptable. From the second shave onwards the blade deteriorated rapidly, tugging and discomfort made the blade virtually useless after the third shave.

I don't have a particularly hard stubble and get easily a week out of a Feather blade, and a Derby can be stretched for a week too.
Like Bics, they display a pronounced harshness, which makes them unsuitable for me.

In the end, despite their cheap price Laser blades make for an unattractive purchase.

Laser Super Platinum?
No thanks - been there, done that.
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I have a sparse beard and these blades do not last more than 2 shaves for me. These are what we get all over in India and they retail for about 50 cents for a pack of 10. Though they're quite cheap, the shaves WTG are acceptable but ATG is really difficult.

The blade tugged on what little hair I had on my cheeks and resulted in a few nicks.

Its good for one shave and ok for the next.
Cheap (39p for 5), but not that cheap considering I paid 69p for 5 WS NOS.
Not sharp *at all*, also the packaging doesn't have a slot for used blades. Couldn't stand to use then more than twice.
Not much else to say really, they are just bad.
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All i can say is the price made me buy these.
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They gave me an acceptable shave in the flyiing Eagle razor, using my new weekday routine with Arko stick and the VGH barbers boar. The Topaz blades (both SS and Platinum) are more smooth. But it got me there, without blood or other inconveniences :001_smile
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Got a couple of these blades "gifted" to me after purchasing a razor handle. I used on blade for two shaves. Not too sharp and not too smooth for a platinum blade. I did not receive a package and I can't comment on the price since I paid noting for the 2 blades. I found that the blade does drag and it did leave some small cuts on my upper lip after the first shave with 3 passes, WTG, XTG and ATG. The attempted second shave with this very uncomfortable and I switched to a KAI before I finished the first pass. I lathered with Tabc tub soap and a boars hair brush so my skin was slick. Based on my experience with Lazer super platinum, I will not be buying these blades anytime in the near future
Acceptable shave, the plastic package is badly fiished and I have nicked myself on it. However the blades are ok, and certainly gave me a better shave than the Dorco ST301's.

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I too happened to come across these when perusing the shelves of my local, newly opened Wilkinson Store. It was the price more than anything that jumped out at me, and I thought 38p for a pack of 5 DE blades surely can't be right?!

So cheap were they that I wasn't holding out much hope for the quality of shave. I loaded up both my Merkur 34C HD and Merkur travel razor with the Laser blades (I use a system of the HD for two passes WTG and the travel razor for a final pass ATG with excellent results) when I got home and proceeded to work up a lather with one of my safest creams, as I figured I needed as much protection in using these cheap blades as I could get.

The first two passes were comfortable and decent enough, though I could hear the razor as I moved it over my face and it didn't feel the smoothest blade I have ever used.

I changed over to the travel razor for my final ATG pass. It didn't feel too smooth and I did get a couple of minor nicks. I finished off with the alum block, aftershave balm then splash.

Have to say, I did get a BBS smooth result, but it wasn't the smoothest of blades in getting there. Still, 5 blades for less than the price of a bag of crisps isn't too bad, and it gives ok results. It won't become my blade of choice, but if I was really stuck I would use it again.
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thought i would give them a go ,used one in a slant and it was not good, the hairs felt like they were being torn out. swapped the blade for another one.same experience . not wanting to waste the blades i put one in a gillette tech and tried again , felt much better did not pull half as much ,so now will use them for trimming up .used the other blade in a merkur 1904 and that was ok to use as well .
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