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Kent BK12

Item Description

I use this brush for creams, soaps are a little difficult to use with this LARGE brush. It's beautifully soft at the tips (so if you like a scritchy brush avoid) this one but the badger hair seems stiff enough for them to hold their shape. I really enjoy using this brush and wouldn't swap it for the best Simpson. I had my brother make me a special 8" bowl as my original bowl was too small. You do use a lot of cream and you do seem to throw a fair bit of good foam away but for a luxurious shave it's unbeatable.

Unnecessarily large and wholly luxurious

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One of my three favorite brushes (all in the 30mm range, btw). This one has the least density and longest loft of the three.

I get when people say it a bowl brush for creams but I use it exclusively for face lathering hard soaps ( yes, I know, heresy.... But what can I say?). It works wonderfully for this. Even though it's soft it picks up the soap just fine and then the magic begins. Those wonderfully soft badger hairs create mounds of beautiful lather, with almost no effort on my part. It really is amazing.

The last point is the handle. I would guess this is one of those, you love it or you hate it things. It's very contoured. I find my fingers and thumb position perfectly into the "neck" of the handle and provide what, to me, feels like a custom grip.

I will freely admit ths brush is not for everyone and if your thing is 23mm with a 45mm loft of dense stiff hair, you'll probably hate this brush but for me, it's a dream.

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Softness of Tips
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I have it-- and I Love it !
Johnny, I agree this is the absolute most decadent brush made. I have one and I love it. One thing though, you do not need a whole lot of cream for this brush if you use it with soft or distilled water (as I do). The miracle of this brush is it's ability to lather just about anything given the right water. And the lather is perfect every time - thick, moist, sheeny and very hydrating. Take your worst cream and use this brush on it and it will lather like any of the high end stuff. Even soaps will lather like nobody's business with this thing.

Also, the softness of the bristle is something to write home about. These bristles are highly recommended for people with sensitive skin because the bristle tips will not penetrate the skin as stiffer brushes do. This will allow the sensitive skin user to use far more products with comfort and ease. The stiffer the brush the more irritating it is to the skin. The more the skin is irritated the worse the shave because irritated skin in most cases swells. Swollen skin of course hides the base of the whisker, the place where you want to cut it.

To me, when people say silvertip this brush represents the zenith (even though it's not true silvertip). It put's Plissons, Simpsons, shavemacs to shame. And I've tried them all. Even Vulfix is not as luxurious or soft (but it comes close). There is just nothing out there that impresses me as much.

5.00 star(s)
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5.00 star(s)
Softness of Tips
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Stiffness of Tips
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