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Gillette Super Stainless

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I admit that ever since 'discovering' proper wet-shaving with a safety razor and a badger brush/shave cream/Moss Scuttle, I've been a sucker for picking up packets of blades just to give them a test. The funny thing, though, is that the more expensive the blades, the more useless they seem to be:biggrin:

I was in a local pharmacy, and spotted these blades which I had heard were positively dreadful. IIRC I paid about $11CAD for them. I had previously paid about $15USD for 100 Israeli blades...

Knowing I needed to give the blades an honest shot at my beard, I took a good long shower to get the hairs nice and soft. I used my best Taylor shave cream moussed up in my gorgeous Moss Scuttle...All the ingredients for a great start to the day. I slide out a brand new blade and I strap this sucker into my trusty Gillette Safety Razor, thinking (naively) that Gillette perhaps knew how to build a proper razor blade after all those horrendous Mach thingies they've been peddling...WRONG!

I swear to the Good Lord above, on the very first downstroke, the Gillette blade was pulling the hairs out...I double checked the depth...Yup, same as always...Consistency of the mousse...Yep, great. Second stroke, even more painful:cursing:

I ended up losing a lot of blood and getting a shave worse than anything a Fusion-Mach-Turbo-Phantom had ever given me.

In retrospect, perhaps it was just that the quality of the beer cans coming into the factory were poor that day, or maybe the blades had been stropped with a rusty nail file, but I can say, in all honesty, that these are probably the worst blades in the world. Try them for yourself and see:biggrin:

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My father went electric and gave me some of these. If he was using these before, now I know why he went electric. They are horrible. Incredibly, these blades are worse than electric!

I agree with most of the reviews above. I tried two of the blades. My skin has never been so irritated and cut to pieces as with these blades. Even brand new, they cut my face in some places and yet barely cut any whiskers in others. The result after my test shaves was a red rash, cuts, and patches of 5 o’clock shadow, all at the same time. I couldn’t believe that anyone could try to sell such a bad product, and thought that the first blade must have been a manufacturing mistake, but no, the second blade was just as bad.

I recently used up a large supply of Wilkinson Swords made in England that I bought years ago. (It sounds like they are the same Wilkinson Sword razor blades reviewed by Aky007 on this site.) They were vastly superior to the Gillettes that are the subject of this review.

These are the worst blades I’ve ever used. Regrettably, I will have to toss them.

M. Buchart
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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i was hoping id get lucky and be the one person that got along with this blade. sad to say that didnt happen. i cant say anything that hasnt already been said. i toughed it out for 2 shaves. above my jaw line i got a good close shave but the jaw line down it was hit or miss and my skin is ragged and irritated. i wont be shaving with these on my face anymore but will use them in a shavette to trim the back of my neck/hairline.

if you are a collector and find an unopened pack for your display by all means get a pack but for shaving ..be warned.

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I bought these at a grocery surplus store for $1.99 for 10.

I tried these in my Slim and set it for 5, VDH was my soap of choice.

These are the worst blade I've tried yet. If I had a choice between shaving with these and growing a beard, I'd take the beard.

They were neither sharp nor smooth. The blades tugged at my hair, but left some stubble behind.

I rated longevity at zero because I binned the blade after one pass. There was no way I was going to attempt ATG with this one.

Packaging has a slot in back for old blades. I like that.

Some people have reported different origins of manufacture, which may account for differences in blade quality. This package came from Mexico.
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