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DR Harris almond shaving cream

Item Description

I've always enjoyed the DR Harris line, I started to use it a couple of years ago, and I was fortunate enough to purchase DR Harris almond shaving cream. This cream is very pleasantly scented with a cherry-almond fragrance, and does it ever lather rich and thick! My skin tends to be very sensitive, so I find the ingredients to be perfect for my complexion. I would very highly recommend this cream to anyone who wants to get into wetshaving.


Latest reviews

Pros: scent
Cons: none to speak of
A really nice almond cream. I find it makes a thicker lather than I get with products such as GFT and Taylor's but still very pleasant.

My preference is GFT Almond, but this is of a similar quality but a heavier lather.
3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
OK, first of all I have to admit that I love DR Harris. I have been using their products on and off for at least twenty years back in the old days when I was shaving with a cartridge razor. My scond love are almonds, marzipan, Amaretto, I am crazy for it.
It is therefore strange that I have never tried any almond soap or cream before but now when i stared with DE shaving I wanted to try.

First impression is the packaging, the box look nice but when opening the box the tub is a bit disappointing. It keep the same standard as othewr british cream tubs, but somehow I feel it lokk cheap on a DR Harris product.
I forgot that impression fast after opening the tub. What a lovely scent! I wanted to eat it (Really, I did!) The texture was average to loose and I could almost imagine it to be heavy whipped cream mixed with marzipan.

I anaged to keep form eating and after a shower, while by brush soaked in hot water, I shook out most of the water from the brush and gave it a swirl in the cream, soft as it is I loaded somewhat more than necessary - as soon as i put the brush (B&B LE2008) to my face it started to form a lovely almondy lather. The scent was very pleasant, strong but not overwhelming and I had enough lather to last for my three passes with Futur set on 3 - It would have lasted for at leat two more!

WTG, XTG and ATG, my Futur slid over my skin without effort, cutting whsiskers as it went. Even if my lather the two last tries was not perfect (I added a bit too much water) I could find no red spots on my neck or face - It¨s simply a great cream. The moisturizing could be better, but since IO always end my routine with a facial moisturizer It is not important to me.

This will brobably be the cream i keep in my collection for regular rotation beside my Arlington soap, Prorasu and some others. I don¨t want to be without it!
4.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
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3.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
Moisturizing Properties
3.00 star(s)
First shave with DR Harris Almond was very nice.
Rich and creamy lather, it likes water.
Nice aroma. Pleasant shave.

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0.50 star(s) 8 ratings

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