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Crown Super Stainless

Item Description

PRICESeems to be about on par with many other middle of the road blades on the market. You won't cry about throwing your money away if these happen to not work out for you, so I rated this at a 7.

QUALITY:Appearance-wise, these seem to be about average when compared to some other blades I've handled thus far. For those of you that hate glue on the blade, these have 4 smallish spots, one in each quarter of the blade on one side. Nothing special about the print on the blades themselves, no special fonts or logos, simply "CROWN" over "SUPER STAINLESS" on both sides of the blade. The print wasn't nice and sharp, but had a faded, almost "rubbed off" appearance to it. Not the look of something the quality guys at the factory seemed to be concerned with, so this ranked a 6 for me.

SHARPNESS:Seemed passable on the first shave out of the package, but faded quickly, which is why I rated this a 5.

LONGEVITY:I only got 2 full shaves out of this blade, and I do 3 full passes plus touch up. During the touch up on shave number 2, this blade was already pulling and tugging rather uncomfortably. I figured to be subjective, I would give 2 points for each completed shave in my reviews, hence the score of 4 in this category.

SMOOTHNESS OF SHAVE:I've gotten to the point that I can generally escape a shave without nicks or weepers, but both shaves with this particular blade yielded several weepers and a lot of irritation, so the Crowns rated only a 6 for me in this category.

PACKAGING:Five blades in a cardboard box over a paper wrapper over the expected wax paper wrapper. Nothing unexpected here. The logo looks kinda cool, in a retro feeling kind of way, which bought a 9 from me in this category.

For the record, I'll not be throwing the remaining 4 blades in this pack away, I'll have to give them a spin in my other 3 razors in order to be fully subjective. I tried this blade in my H3 SS, and my Z3 SS, the only 2 razors I owned at the time. They may perform better in a Tech or Slim.

Latest reviews

Pros: Cheap
Cons: Tuggy, single-use.
These are the only blades I've used that have been a total waste of time. They shave okay for one shave PER BLADE, then start tugging and pulling if I try to get a second shave out of them. At least on beard hair. I shave my dad's head because his hands are a little shaky, and I use these blades because they work fine for 1 shave and I have no qualms using a new one every time with the cheaper than dirt price.
4.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
0.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
2.00 star(s)
Pros: Cheap
Cons: Not the smoothest shave
These are nice and cheap.

the quality was OK, not great but not bad.

They seemed pretty sharp to me, on par with Derby and Wilkinson Sword.

I got three shave out of these which is average for a blade with me.

The quality falls off some at shave three but over all they gave me a DFS which the Asco Orange never did.

I find this cardboard packaging fine and there was no wax paper interior wrapper just the outside paper one, also no glue spots on mine.

Overall a decent blade, I can shave with it but not my first choice.
5.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
2.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
3.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
3.00 star(s)
Pros: cool packaging
Cons: very dull blade
Very dull blades, I ran out of my trusty BlueBirds so i went for these as i received in a sample pack awhile back, the first stroke it tugged and pulled i was like hell na! i was setting my self up for nicks and irritation, the next day i gave another shot, and AGAIN same thing.. tug and pulling, so yeah just ordered a 100 Bluebirds, these blades just suck idk maybe my beard is too thick.
4.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
1.00 star(s)
Smoothness of Shave
0.00 star(s)

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1.20 star(s) 5 ratings

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