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Caswell-Massey Greenbriar Aftershave Balm

Item Description

I've read a number of reviews of other Caswell Massey products that are not very positive but they all seem to have one thing in common. The product generally does well in most categories but has one major fault. This aftershave balm is not exception. Here it's the packaging. This actually a pretty good product with a great scent but it's so thick and the opening on the bottle is so small you can get it out. The only way I could get the cream out was to either fish it out with a Q-Tip or leave the bottle in a sink full of steaming hot water while I showered. The Q-Tip obviously made a mess and heating it kind of defeats the purpose.:cursing: I tried to work with it for a week and then just threw it away.:mad: CM has now clearanced it to half off in their stores so maybe they are discontinuing it.

Price Normally it's $20, it's now marked down in the stores to $10 and I got a bottle from TJ Maxx for $5. The balm is worth $20 but the whole package isn't worth $5.

Quality The product is good, barring the other issues.

Fights Razor Burn It's about average at fighting razor burn. I wouldn't get it for just that.

Cooling Sensation Again, about average.

Scent Awesome scent. I love it.

Efficacy Terrible. The fact that you couldn't get the product out of the bottle just destroys everything.

Moisturizing Fairly good. Definately in the top quartile of balms.

No Alcohol Burn No burn at all.

Latest reviews

I've read a number of reviews of other Caswell Massey products that are not very positive but they all seem to have one thing in common. The product generally does well in most categories but has one major fault. This aftershave balm is not exception. Here it's the packaging. This actually a pretty good product with a great scent but it's so thick and the opening on the bottle is so small you can get it out. The only way I could get the cream out was to either fish it out with a Q-Tip or leave the bottle in a sink full of steaming hot water while I showered. The Q-Tip obviously made a mess and heating it kind of defeats the purpose.:cursing: I tried to work with it for a week and then just threw it away.:mad: CM has now clearanced it to half off in their stores so maybe they are discontinuing it.

Price Normally it's $20, it's now marked down in the stores to $10 and I got a bottle from TJ Maxx for $5. The balm is worth $20 but the whole package isn't worth $5.

Quality The product is good, barring the other issues.

Fights Razor Burn It's about average at fighting razor burn. I wouldn't get it for just that.

Cooling Sensation Again, about average.

Scent Awesome scent. I love it.

Efficacy Terrible. The fact that you couldn't get the product out of the bottle just destroys everything.

Moisturizing Fairly good. Definately in the top quartile of balms.

No Alcohol Burn No burn at all.
3.00 star(s)
5.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
0.00 star(s)
4.00 star(s)
No Alcohol Burn
5.00 star(s)
Cooling Sensation
2.00 star(s)
Fights Razor Burn
3.00 star(s)

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