Item Description
PRICE:Seems to be about what one would expect from a middle of the road offering from Lord, earning an 8 from me in this category
QUALITY:Appearance-wise, nothing to write home about, but we're not really looking for a beauty pageant winner, are we? No fireworks as far as logos or special fonts printed on the blades, simply "BIG BEN" over "SUPER STAINLESS". Not the sharpest blade print I've witnessed, but certainly better than some, so I gave the Big Bens an 8 in this category, as well. As a small aside for those of you who simply hate glue on your blades, the Big Bens have it. Two extremely small, dare I say miniscule spots on one side of the blade. These earned this blade an 8 from me.
SHARPNESS:Impressive coming from a fairly inexpensive offering. Effective and efficient removal of stubble from this blade, and it didn't seem to fade on subsequent shaves, either, buying an 8 in this category.
LONGEVITY:This blade resulted in 4 smooth, close, and relatively irritation free shaves for me, resulting in an 8 in this category. I give 2 points for each completed shave the blade nets me.
SMOOTHNESS OF SHAVE:Impressive results from the Big Bens on this note. Only 1 small nick, and 1 weeper over 4 total shaves, both of which were(I'm convinced) my fault due to weak technique. Since I can't blame the blade, I'll award a 9 for this category.
PACKAGING:The normal 5 blades contained in a cardboard box over a printed paper wrapper over wax paper. The logo is kind of cool, if you like London, but didn't evoke any great retro throwback emotional reactions from me, personally, so I gave an 8 here.
I used this blade in my Z3 SS. Just a small note for those that care. I also wrote, "What a sleeper of a blade!" and "NICE!" in the notes I use to keep track of my blade travels. Definitely a pleasant surprise in an almost forgettable package.
QUALITY:Appearance-wise, nothing to write home about, but we're not really looking for a beauty pageant winner, are we? No fireworks as far as logos or special fonts printed on the blades, simply "BIG BEN" over "SUPER STAINLESS". Not the sharpest blade print I've witnessed, but certainly better than some, so I gave the Big Bens an 8 in this category, as well. As a small aside for those of you who simply hate glue on your blades, the Big Bens have it. Two extremely small, dare I say miniscule spots on one side of the blade. These earned this blade an 8 from me.
SHARPNESS:Impressive coming from a fairly inexpensive offering. Effective and efficient removal of stubble from this blade, and it didn't seem to fade on subsequent shaves, either, buying an 8 in this category.
LONGEVITY:This blade resulted in 4 smooth, close, and relatively irritation free shaves for me, resulting in an 8 in this category. I give 2 points for each completed shave the blade nets me.
SMOOTHNESS OF SHAVE:Impressive results from the Big Bens on this note. Only 1 small nick, and 1 weeper over 4 total shaves, both of which were(I'm convinced) my fault due to weak technique. Since I can't blame the blade, I'll award a 9 for this category.
PACKAGING:The normal 5 blades contained in a cardboard box over a printed paper wrapper over wax paper. The logo is kind of cool, if you like London, but didn't evoke any great retro throwback emotional reactions from me, personally, so I gave an 8 here.
I used this blade in my Z3 SS. Just a small note for those that care. I also wrote, "What a sleeper of a blade!" and "NICE!" in the notes I use to keep track of my blade travels. Definitely a pleasant surprise in an almost forgettable package.