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Beer Review: Wostyntje (Mustard Ale!)

Beer: Wostyntje
Style: Torhouts Mustard Al

Label Info: "Wostyntje is a dark blonde ale brewed with 90% barley malt, 10% munich malt, 2 types of hops, dark candy sugar and mustard seeds." ... "Ale brewed with spices"

Brewery: De Regenbroog, Brugge, Belgium


Glassware: Three Philosophers Chalice (A gift from my boy Ralph, btw!)

Pour: Pours light and bubbley. Light orange rusty color. Very small head which quickly disipates to a thin film, slight lacing. Obviously bottle conditioned. I left some sludge in the bottle.

Nose: Light spiciness, strong malt scents. If you know this is brewed with mustard you can find a HINT of mustard in the nose. If you didn't know that, you'd never pick it out, you have to be looking for it. *NOTE* The mustard
really REALLY opens up as it warms. I just took another sip after a couple minute break and the strong mustard scent was overhwelming and NOT in a bad way.

Taste: First thing that hits you is a little bit of spice. Followed by a general sweet fruit. Sugared Bananas jump out at me, just a faint hint of them but unmistakable. Definately a sugary sweetness, not sickeningly sweet
but more like a nice clean sugar sweetness. Between sips there's a definate bitterness, not like a hoppy bitter but more like after eating a green apple almost more of a mouthfeel than taste.Now crisp apple joins the hint of
banana. More malt.

Finish: More of that sour bitterness, like from a sour fruit. Red Apple peel.

Overall: Damn. How to score this stuff. It's pretty unique and that throws me off some, nothing to compare it to!

I'll say... 5 out of 6 Beer Mugs - This is a go out and grab it now rating, not threatening to break in to the "Classic Brew" area but pushing on the floor.
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