Every since I started to shave properly { about 2 years ago} I've been using TEND SKIN.
Now if you have never heard of this product let me give you brief summary.It's basically a clear water like liquid that you apply after shaving and before you go to bed ,it DRAMATICALLY reduces razor burn ,redness and prevents ingrowing hairs and bumps ....and it stings like nothing you have every used before ,unless of course your the type of man that likes a battery acid splash of a morning .
Well having purchased 3 of the Lux razors from the Ebay seller in Poland it was only a matter of time before I had to give one of these a whirl.
It's a full Aluminium construction ,which makes it extremely light and therefore very.....very easy to get a non irratation shave.
Loaded with an Astra I managed a wonderful easy shave,I would say it's on a par with the Gillette Tech on the aggressive side,though I cannot emphasise just how light weight this razor is ,so a bad technique...
This stuff FOR ME really works and I would like to share my findings.
For a while now I've been searching for an aftershave option that would feel good upon my face and neck straight after the shave that wasn't all burn and scent.
Having read various accounts of how witch hazel helps minor irritations I decided to give this stuff a whirl ,it costs £2.49 from all Boots stores .
It must be noted that this isn't an aftershave ,it's just a great product for putting on your skin after...