Items by porman

0.83 star(s) 6 ratings
I bought these blades cheap in an ethnic food store. The pack says 5+1 free. I lathered up some of my AOS Lime cream and started my WTG pass. Oh, the humanity! Tugging, and I mean tugging, skipping and jumping across my face. I thought that I should at least try one with the grain, perhaps the blade might settle. No way! I discarded the blade in fear of slicing up my face. The only positive thing is the wrapping. They come in double wrapping. One paper envelope and one...
1.00 star(s) 8 ratings
These blades are cheap. At least where my father bought them for me. Since I live in Sweden, the only blades that I can get are Swedes, Feathers, Merkur and those unlabelled Personnas, so it was nice to try something different. I didn't expect anything special but these blades are really good. They're made in Greece, probably not much different from Bic Chrome's (I haven't tried them). At my first WTG pass, I felt a bit of tugging but then it went a lot smoother, and the end result was...
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