I've been wetshaving for almost two months now. I have listened to the advice of many good people here at B&B who've recommended to remove variables when comparing items for review. I've kept the same steps for all my shaves, CO Bigelow (proraso) as pre-shave, hot shower, 3pass shave with 1940's SuperSpeed WTG, XTG, ATG. I finish with nivea sensitive skin aftershave balm. The only variable that has changed are blades...oh the blades. I must say that I thought the rest of the B&B members were...
Okay, I must start out by saying that I am new to wetshaving. However, my grandfather had a gillette superspeed identical to the one that I picked up on ebay. After he would shave, he used to lather my face up with his brush and hot shave cream dispenser and let me "shave" with it (without the blade of course.) This superspeed I purchased on ebay for less than $10. It has no date code on it, and is not a tapered bottom, or colored bottom, but is the knurled handle. From what I can tell, it...
The blades are cheap enough. They are stainless, and come in standard packaging with the push to slide out dispenser. These are 5 for $1. I used my SuperSpeed to shave with, along with my standard prep of hair conditioner, hot shower, and a towel soak for two minutes. I've shaved with this blade for four days, two passes each shave, I'm ready to change the blade out. Maybe I"m expecting too much for the price, but I'd like to change out on the same day every week. I do admit however, that...