I am very surprised that no one seems to talk about Rive Gauche when B&Bers love Barber Shop themed stuff. This EDT is the best of it genre. Period. And sorry, but no YMMV applies. (ok everyone is entitled o their own opinion). The most usual reference is that it smells like Barbasol, but it is that and then more. It somehow reconciles the concepts of classic and modern. Is as refined as a dandy :c6: (I think of it as the Anteus for 20 and 30 y.o.) and yet it screams confidence when used...
I am not doing this review for BB members. Instead I think it is useful for lurking guests to have a base point to compare what they now know to what they could get by using higher end creams (Brushless or not).
Price. At 5$ a can it is not that costly and yet it is not really a good value either. You can get Williams, Arko, Mama Bear Soaps and tabac that will last longer for a similar price and FAR superior value. After 4 Months of daily shaving I have not been able to finish a single...