Items by htownmmm

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The OC version of the Lupo .95
When this soap initially arrived @ my house, I put it aside and let it sit. Then things got really busy and I forgot about it. Well after smelling something good, I investigated and found this soap tucked away. I remembered-Mama Sue had been talking about making a soap that looked like one of the sunsets she had seen BF(before fire:crying:) and this was the result. After using this soap off and on for the past 2 months, I must say I am fully impressed. I normally use body washes but...
Disclaimer: I have been drinking the Saint Charles Shave kool-aid for a loooooong time.:biggrin: Now on to the review. Spring time is here with summer soon to follow. As result, many of us willbe looking for something light, refreshing, and cooling to slap on after our shave. Well look no further for it has begun!:wink: The Mediterranean Citrus Splash(heretofore referred to as MCS) comes in a sturdy 4 oz square shaped bottle with a gold colored top. No sharp edges though-it has a nice...
1.41 star(s) 94 ratings
Price: $16/100 from Sabledog(get 'em while they're hot!) Quality: Made by Proctor Gamble(Gillette) in Russia; probably the blade they should sell here but don't-along with the Swedes. Sharpness: Sharp enough to get the job done w/o tearing up your face. Longevity: Since this was my first shave with them, we'll have to see how they hold up. Smoothness of Shave: This is where this blade really shines-after my shave was over, it felt like I had not been shaving! Now this could have...
Understand one thing- I love the products produced by Saint Sue. However, if you have read my other reviews, you will notice that this is the first time I have given a product all 10's across the board. Why? This cream deserves it! After my shower and soaking the Simpsons Beaufort, I swirled a smear of the cream onto the brush and started my lather building. Initially, it was very thick and I remembered how the SCS creams love water, so I added some more. Whoa,Nelly! Lather now exploded...
This is the brush I have been looking for! Thankfully, a conversation with Lee( about my slant purchase, led me in this direction. Basically, I told him I wanted a brush that was scrubby,dense, and large and he delivered. The Beaufort is almost as large as the Omega boar brush-just a tad under in height(115 mm). The handle however, is what sets this brush apart. The grip is substantial w/o being overwhelming. It feels like a man's brush. It whips up creams w/o problem-...
Well Sue has done it again! :biggrin: I received my order of Oakmoss Lavendula and upon smelling it, was intrigued immensely. Why, because I cannot place the smell! Although I read the description, I still have no idea what it smells like :confused: - and I don't care! This soap just smells great. it has an air of mystery about it that I just can't figure out. In fact, I have shaved with it 3 times in a row because of its smell and trying to place it. As the Joker( Jack Nicholson) would...
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