Gillette shaving cream is sold in the Netherlands by a few large drugstore chains and most supermarkets. This cream comes boxed in a 100ml tube. The price is somewhere in the 2 - 3 euro range depending on where you buy it. Reading the tube this cream seems to be marketed for the German, Dutch/Belgian, Italian, French, Greek, Portugese and Spanish markets. It is a Procter & Gamble UK product but the tube nor the box states where this cream is made.
When I first used this cream I was...
There is not much to say about 4711 so I'll keep it short. 4711 Echt Kölnisch Wasser after shave lotion does a great job at what it is supposed to do as an after shave lotion; it fights razor burn/red spots and it moisterizes the skin. It also leaves your face feeling refreshed and smelling like the classic 4711 scent. It comes in a 100ml glass bottle and I paid €7,00 for it in Germany. It's easy to find in Germany (Cologne area), harder to find outside of Germany, nonetheless a great...
There is not so much to say about this cream really. Like any good quality cream, this cream does what it is supposed to do; protect, hold moist and give the blade a slippery track to glide on. It does this, in my opinion, at least as good as any of the high end English creams that I have used. What I liked most about this product however, is the scent. It really smells like Aloe Vera is supposed to smell and it does not at all have an artificial scent like some other creams have (notable...
Hema is a Dutch chain of department stores with stores in almost every Dutch town or city of any significance. They have stores in Amsterdam and Rotterdam but also in such towns as Heiloo and Dedemsvaart :biggrin: This means that finding these blades is very easy.
Hema is known for their quality products and relatively low prices. The Hema DE blades are no exception. At €1,35 a 10 pack they are far from expensive. The quality isn't bad either, I still don't know which company is behind...
The Wilkinson Sword Pronto disposable razor is one of the best buys in disposable razor land. Like any other disposable razor it does not offer any weight, the pole is too short and it doesn't provide any grip. What sets this razor apart from the rest however is the blade. Wilkinson Sword actually equiped these razors with a good quality blade, it's sharp but also very forgiving. In my opinion the blade is comparable to a Derby DE blade. Unless you press this razor against your face, it's...
At Ikea I found the ‘IKEA 365+’ bowl, easliy one of the cheapest and best bowls around for bowl lathering. Below I have written a short review that covers all aspects of this great bowl.
Material: Feldspar porcelain. Unlike regular stoneware, the porcelain makes this cheap bowl just a bit more luxurious. More important is the fact that the porcelain retains the heat very well. Even after I had removed the bowl from the sink of hot water for five minutes, it still retained a little heat...
There's not much to say about this product really, it's a handy shaving stick to help you stop the bleeding when you accidentally cut your face during shaving. Just wet the tip of the stick, rub some aluminum sulfate on the wound, let it air dry and the bleeding will stop. You can get these sticks much cheaper but that's about my only complaint, I paid about 3 euro. A great Wilkinson Sword product nonetheless.
Since The Netherlands has a fairly large community of Turkish people, it is quite easy to obtain products from Turkey. Especially in the densely populated areas in and around the major cities, supermarkets runned by Turkish migrants are quite common.
So it happened that I walked into one of those supermarkets the other day and found a tube of 'Arko Regular shaving cream' for only 0,75 euro cent. After returning home I had my first 'Arko shave' the next day and a pleasent one it was...