I was browsing through Ebay and saw a strop that caught my eye. 3 inch English Bridle with webbed fabric for 73 shipped! After a few messages back and forth with the seller, it was on the way to my house. The seller was extremely knowledgeable and helpful, which eased my mind.
I own 10 strops and I really enjoy feeling the razor on the different leathers.
The strop area is 17 inches which is more than enough room for a nice stroke. The English Bridle leather had no imperfections on it. I found that the Bridle needs very little breaking in.
The cuts that hold the D Rings on the top and bottom have Chicago screws holding them in place. . However, they aren’t “perfect” hinges, but still serve their purpose and very close to perfect (more of an artisan feel). I found the strop to be solid, durable, and aesthetically pleasing.
I would put Latigo on the heavy end and my Chicago Special on the “glass” end of the draw spectrum. This strop fits right in the middle in terms of draw. I have a tough time rating draw on a numeric scale since I use and love the draw both my Latigo and Cordovan, and Horsehide strops. Draw is subjective to the user. I find this to be a good compromise though. I should also note that I “feel” the leather when I use this strop.
I do not feel a heavy wax feeling when stropping which is a good thing
Again, hard to put this in a numeric scale. IMO if the strop is functional and works well, then the thickness is fine. My Vintage Red Imp Strop is not very thick, but performs as well as the best of them. This is a hefty piece of leather and no disappointments in this category. I hope that gives you an idea.
This is the most important rating to me. To me, efficiency means whether or not the strop will get the edge ready for shaving by realigning it. This strop does the job just fine. I use 10 laps on the “cloth” side and 30 on the leather then off to the bathroom to shave. It does its job and does not lack anything is this category.
I own 11 different cloth components. I find this one to be the most aggressive. It is made out of the polypropylene. You can almost feel it “grab” the edge and put it back into place. Hence, you do not need a bunch of laps. I especially like this fabric when I am coming off the hones. It really seems to shine using it in this fashion. I should also note that black cotton is also available since this is the first review on this strop.

Anybody that owns a bunch of strops will tell you that any decent piece of leather will get the job done. If I was a beginner, I would be all over this. The price is extremely reasonable and not much more money than the Illinois 827, but the leather is miles better. Since it is the modular design, you can try out some different leathers without breaking the bank. I do not believe this strop is on Ebay anymore, but can be found at TheSuperiorShave.com. Bottom line this is a well tanned and high quality strop at a great price. I plan on purchasing the Shell Cordovan strop next that Walking Horse makes.