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What's your coffee today? What brew method? Photos

I made Lavazza Armonico coffee from whole beans ground in a Baratza Virtuoso for French Press. It was accompanied by some frothed milk.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Original Folgers in an auto drip.
It works.
Taking a 24oz and 16oz tumbler to work
There’s a front coming.
Gonna get down to the mid 50’s!
Gotta have enough coffee to keep me warm
Okay, I'll jump in, 28 grams Palomar Star Chaser Blend 400 grams H2O, Chemex.
Tomorrow hitting my Honduran but firing up Miss Elektra (Espresso Machine)
Just about to finish off my Mission Coffee black blend with 33g/20oz water in the Behmor.

Roasted some Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and Kenya AA last night though.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Crio Bru in a Frieling stainless steel french press. Then into the blender to make a Keto version with Ghee, MCT Oil, chocolate stevia, Bobs Red Mill chocolate protein powder, & Ancient Nutrition chocolate collagen powder.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
30oz tumbler
I mixed robust and regular from the hotel lobby. It’s drinkable!
Intelligentsia Black Cat espresso whole beans, brewed into my morning mocha latte by my Breville Oracle coffee machine.
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