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Henderson Island Tragedy


Here I am, 1st again.
The study found hundreds of purple hermit crabs using plastic cosmetics jars and bottle caps for their shells – containers that are sharp, jagged, brittle, and toxic.

Those poor crabs.
Interesting story and sad. Looks like if that is a collection point, it would be pretty easy to clean up.
Yes, this is sad what we are doing to our marine environment (as well as others).
I made the resolution in Jan. to try to cut down on my plastic usage, and so far, I've been doing fairly well.
Waste disposal in general and the impact on the environmental is hard to gauge. One news report last week stated that the ocean was becoming polluted with micro-plastics which will be entering the food chain at increasing levels for many decades to come. I tried to find that news story and this came up instead: Newly-evolved microbes may be breaking down ocean plastics, which may be saying the same thing but with a less alarming tone about the certainty of its impact.
I'll stick with the science and the good old fashion eye test. When I see trash in the water or on land, I know it isn't doing any good, and I know it didn't get there on its own. It's easy to spot a 2-liter plastic bottle in the water. The micro-plastics are the result of some cosmetics as well as larger plastics being broken down by the thrashing they take. We can get the debris we see. The micro-plastics are so small, there is no we to strain them out.
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