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Cigar Of The Day (COTD)


B&B Tease-in-Residence
I guess everyone is smoking their pipes these days..

I’m technically breaking some rules smoking my pipe in my living situation. It doesn’t stink up the place like a cigar. The lounge I frequent has been closed since March. So rare when I get a cigar in

Morning gents..hot and muggy today.
I've been working lots of 12's. Usually 5 and short 8 hour day to round out my week... All the weddings that were to take place between March and June have postponed to now and the rest of the year. We also picked up more because of other venues not opening. New chefs (myself included), building a great team of cooks and people having more time to golf or have us busy in the restaurants as well.

I'm beat at the end of the day. I can't smoke sticks in the car and I don't want to sit outside for an hour after working. I've been popping in a snus every couple of hours at work. I'll light one up later today in the Zoom meetup and have a pipe or two (maybe three if I pull out a short stick and use small bowled pipes)!

I'm not complaining or wanting sympathy. Just saying why I'm not posting sticks!
Congrats on staying busy during this time of re-shutdowns! As much as I thoroughly enjoy cigars, it’s all about enjoying them socially or the quiet “leave dad alone for next hour & half” ritual for me. The one common denominator I need is time. Don’t blame you one bit.
I’m only an amateur bartender 😉, but without lime juice I wouldn’t consider it a Black n Sormy, Moscow Mule or Cuba Libre.
Same. I'd call it a ginger beer and rum or rum and coke. 😁 Same if I didn't have dark run for the dark and stormy.and I'll call my vodka dry vermouth twist of lemon a kangaroo not a vodka martini twist of lemon. Olives aren't my thing. Gin is the real martini but I'd rather just do a G&T with cheap gin.
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