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Does your shaving addiction prevent you from growing facial hair?

I just hate the feeling of facial hair, I could grow a good beard, but I just can't stand the itchyness. if I grow any kind of a beard my facial skin gets really dry and flaky, almost as if the beard pulls all the oils from my skin into the beard hair.
It's not for me, I actually get bad breakouts if I don't shave, so I pretty much have to stay clean-shaven if I don't want my skin to break out really badly.
My addiction is only a month old but I don't any significant facial hair in my future. I've had a beard most of my life but at 65 I've decided old men look better clean shaven.

I find it difficult to skip even one day of shaving due to this hobby!

I choose the products the night before and look forward to the next morning so skipping is very difficult for me!


More Deep Thoughts than Jack Handy
I have a goatee. Shaving is good for that facial hair style...helps to shape it.
Even though I have what I imagine is pretty sparse facial hair compared to most guys (I could count the hairs on my cheeks if I wanted to, it's all mostly on my upper lip and chin,) I have to keep clean shaven or else I'll look like I belong on some kind of list. :facep:

Sometimes I do let it go though, mostly if I know I'll be at home for an extended period of time. Most I've ever let it go was about a month and even then it just looked untidy. Having facial hair just isn't for me I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

Thankfully this is a wet shaving forum and not a beard growing forum :biggrin1:
When I have the time, I shave.
I try to get it done every couple to three day, but never go beyond a week or two at the most, if possible.
I do try to keep my neck and cheeks clean, however sometimes life gets in the way of that too.
For me, SR shaving made a mundane task more interesting.
Wife doesn't want beard. She likes the scruffy 4 day look but not the feel.

If it were up to me I'd like to try a beard for winters coldest months, then go clean for the rest. I can't win.

The only solace I find is that DE wet shaving is time for me to pause and reflect in peace.
Nope. Not me. I may have a shaving addiction but that's not what prevents me from having facial hair. I don't like how itchy my face feels when I do go several days without shaving. And the longer it gets, the itchier it gets. I'm not a facial hair kind of guy and my wife doesn't like facial hair on her face either. So I shave. And you can't faceturbate without shaving.
When I was in college, I grew a goatee over Christmas break. It was red. I shaved it off before going back to school. Then I had long sideburns for a while.

For most of my adult life, I have been clean shaven, with short sideburns. About three years ago, i cut my upper lip while shaving and kept reopening the wound. I decided to let my mustache grow out until the cut healed, but then decided to keep the stache, which is white.

I shaved off my moustache at the beginning of the Covid lockdown, but preferred the way I looked with the moustache, so I grew it out again.
Nope, I always keep a mustache and usually a goatee, but shave my neck and cheeks. I probably would grow out a full beard if I could, but my cheeks are too patchy.
Sort of...but I wouldn’t want to maintain a beard or mustache. It’s just easier and more fun being able to shave my whole face.

Maybe this view stems partly from my age. :)
Not really since I decided to shave my head....so there is always at least one area to shave. Growing a beard is nice, and then shaving it even nicer..... If you start trimming and get obsessed w the perfect beard...then I would say: shave it. For me growing a beard before used to be an escape to shaving since I hated it.... but now I enjoy it. Ahh and beard: let it grow, grow long without paying much attention at the beginning (and this is also tied to your job and appearance you may need to keep).
I've been a daily shaver ever since I joined the Army many years ago and if I go more than a day without shaving I get itchy and cranky. Also, my wife and her best friend both say they like a little scruff but neither like facial hair. Who am I to argue?
Nope. I've already been through my mustache phase and beard phase, then the grey hair started. Happy being clean-shaven with a short haircut now.
I used to shave once or twice a week since it was a chore but now I really enjoy shaving since taking up this hobby so no facial hair for me!
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