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D.R. Harris aftershave ingredients

Can someone tell me what D.R. Harris alcohol based aftershaves contain, especially Arlington? Are they good? Thanks.

Amongst the 'commonly found' ingredients, I found these two interesting; 'Diethyl Phthalatethe' and 'Cetrimonium Bromide'.

Interesting due to the fact that Alcohol is listed first, so percentage wise, this product contains more alcohol (which is an antiseptic) than the remainder of the ingredients. But Cetrimonium Bromide has also been added which is an antiseptic.

Diethyl Phthalatethe -- The addition of a small amount of DBP provides just enough "give" to make nail polish chip-resistant. When perfume fragrances are dissolved in either DEP or DMP, they evaporate more slowly, making the scent linger longer. They also find other niche applications in products such as adhesives and as solvents.

Cetrimonium Bromide - A cationic conditioning agent and antiseptic widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to its high cost, it is rarely used in cosmetics. Adds shine.

Does this burn, a LOT??
Cetrimonium Bromide - A cationic conditioning agent and antiseptic widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to its high cost, it is rarely used in cosmetics. Sue

Well, Dr Harris stuff sure isn't cheap.
Maybe they do actually use some "better" stuff instead of just marking things up higher due to their name.
Does anyone have a bottle of the marlborough after shave and can tell me the ingridients? That would be very kind.

That's what I was curious about. I'll have the marlborough AS, cologne and soap here very soon and I am going to write a review about the first two, because there is none online yet.
I love myself a nice :eek: reaction when applying an ABAS... but for me, the DR Harris Arlington burned with the intensity of 1,000 suns. Unusable for this guy!


D. R. Harris Arlington splash is one of the milder after shaves in my rotation. The aftershaves of Tabac or Old Spice do burn a lot more.
Pink is the exception of the Harris line. It has <20% alcohol compared to the others which are >70%.

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