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Spencerian observation (shadings)

Having learned to write Spencerian script, here is one observation which I have. I learned the letter forms first without concern for shadings. After that, I learned the heavy shadings for the capitals and am in the process of learning them for the miniscules.

What I would observe is that the heavy shadings are not that difficult to add once the letter forms are learnt. The real skill in Spencerian seems to me to be in the hairlines. I had of course read this before, but only after experiencing do I see the full truth of it.
Pix pix pix pix....

So you want pictures of poor shadings (light line) work? Well, I shall get some pictures of my current Spencerian efforts soon enough. Meanwhile, here is something I found from Del Tysdal (http://www.iampeth.com/lessons/signature_writing/del_tysdal_signatures/signatures_Del_Tysdal.pdf):

"Lightness of line or 'hairlines' comes from faster movement of the nib on paper and just lightness of touch. If the little finger slides on the paper, its level is a like a float level in a carburetor. As the lithe little presses down ever so slightly the fingers and hence the.nib will rise up."

This may explain my current light line difficulties. When first learning a new script, you write slower. Much slower. My Spencerian speed currently is about 1/3 the speed of my former usual script writing. I hope to improve this over time as I copy Tom Paine's "Common Sense" (20,000 words) beginning soon.
yes, the lightness on the upstroke is something that I constantly struggle with...especially with very sharp dip pens. If I go a week without practice and then pick one up, it's a nightmare for the first 30 minutes or so. I've given up on trying to gain speed, and just take my time now. It's one of those things that I've found truly embodies..."use it or lose it". So, for me...it's practice, practice, practice. Keep it up..I'd like to see some of your work
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