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Barrister & Mann Fall Shave Soap Nocturne!

I have a ton of soaps and all of the Barrister & Mann Soaps which currently are my number one in terms of performance. Just got an email for their new Fall Shave Soap Nocturne. Their description of it I think already has me ready to press the buy button. I don't think there is any soap out in the market with the scent of fall leaves and apples. Here is their description:


We tried to pattern Nocturne after the aroma of a New England Harvest Festival using the scents of apples, newly fallen leaves, woodsmoke, styrax benzoin, and the faintest touch of cinnamon. The result was something extraordinary. This soap smells very much like the inside of a cider mill, with a slightly sweet, smokey, faintly spicy scent that's perfect for the crisp, clear days of Autumn
I received a sample of this on the weekend and used it this morning. Very very interesting scent. It is most definitely a fall scent. I can smell the cider/apples in it. The soap performs just as well as all their others. Lathers very easily and is very slick.

First of all YMMV. For my nose i found it to be a bit too "cider/sweet", but very original. Bear in mind the description says they were aiming at smelling like the inside of a cider mill and i will they say they hit it on the head. I will be using it for the next couple of days to see how the scent develops. One thing i always liked about B&M soaps is their scents evoke strong images. Their vetiver smells like a forest after a heavy rain. Their cheshire reminds me of drinking tea on a summer afternoon. This one really does smell like Fall. (apple cider)

Give it try.
Oh man I am fighting the urge to order me a puck. We have just gotten a taste of Fall this weekend and this morning with cool morning temps. I know I am going to order this probably before the day is out. Maybe if I at least wait till noon I can at least take pride that I held out for almost 24 hours. That is something to be proud of Right!!!!
I held out for exactly 1 minute and 20 seconds after receiving the e-mail yesterday morning. Their seasonal soaps are especially fantastic and I have been anxiously awaiting the fall arrival.
Yup - I ordered a puck each of Nocturne and Bay Rum last night after the announcement. This will be my first experience of B&M but I am very optimistic due to the positive reviews that I have read.

On a side note, this is pretty much my last purchase for 2013 as I am participating in the GRUC party...at least I am going out with a bang!
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