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My wife is now using a fountain pen

At Christmas one of the gifts given to my wife was a Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen - Retro Pop Purple, 1.0mm Stub from our favorite Goulette pen company.

That day she put on the cartridge of black ink that was included, and I am happy to say that today I installed the converter and filled the pen with a nice Pilot 'Yama-Budo' purple.

So it looks like we have another convert with the exception of the fact that pen filling duties fall to me; to which I won't complain.
I got my wife hooked with a pen for Mother's Day a couple of years ago. And like you, I'm the one who cleans and fills her pens. But, it's fun to do that for her.
I do all the maintenance on the wife's pens. I don't mind. She uses her pens all the time. I got her an Edison that should be showing up any day now.
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