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Foxhole Shavers Club

10 Year Army vet here. At the risk of sounding strange, is there an official entry into the group, or is it just an "Im in"? Looks like a good group. Worst shave has to be dry shaving at BCT after oversleeping. Razorburn all day was worse than any Smoke the DS could throw that day...
You are in. Please add Foxhole Shavers Club to your signature and your current active duty or veteran status.
10 Year Army vet here. At the risk of sounding strange, is there an official entry into the group, or is it just an "Im in"? Looks like a good group. Worst shave has to be dry shaving at BCT after oversleeping. Razorburn all day was worse than any Smoke the DS could throw that day...

I know there are others who will come along and welcome you, but...welcome!


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Welcome to you all. Keep an eye out for a PIF for Active Duty and/or Veterans. Coming soon
Although I don't stop here often, this is one of, if not the, most treasured place in the forums for me. I greatly appreciate a place where vets can connect. Thank you, both Tony and Georg.

Sent via mobile - Chris
Guess I'll put my name in the hat as well.

Navy corpsman here. Never had to shave in a foxhole, just on board a ship. Worst shave ever came before I was a corpsman actually... was standing a helm watch during a Battle E test for our 5 inchers (my battle station muster location). Showed up clean shaven, only one in the entire pilot house that way. during that watch our 5 inch quite literally missed the mark for Battle E by no more than 2 feet.... take a guess who got **** for us not getting that flag for the next 6 months lol.
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